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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 Γ—


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Everything posted by HubertB

  1. 29.629629 % (not totally) precisely Hubert
  2. A 1/48 kit occupies roughly 30% of the volume of the 1/32 equivalent … Hubert
  3. To be fair, you've got very valid points here, Martin (although I suspect you forgot some Trumpeter kits in your list, I wonder why 🀣 ?). But, to me, the news is still boring and disapointing. This said, as I undertand the man backing the capital of Kotare is an ex-dentist - I can't remember where I read this -, I suppose he wants a retunr on investment on what is still a passion endeavour. Going the safe way for sales is logical, even if, as a modeller, I would wish a more adventurous choice - but I have never invested as much as he has in a modelling industry project ... Hubert
  4. So tell us, Martin : what do you REALLY think about this new Kotare release πŸ˜‰ ? Me, I am in the πŸ₯± group (but then I was also with the Spifire, so my opinion is worth about ) Hubert
  5. First completed Trumpeter Devastator I see. And rhe result is top notch πŸ‘ ! Mine will be yellow-winged, but i’d be happy if it turned half as good. Hubert
  6. Because you have no direct visual comparison or clue. As I have said many times, a 1/35 kit is roughly 9% smaller in any dimension than the same in 1/32. That means 84 % of the shelf area, and 76 % of the volume. As I usually, like anyone else, perceive the world in 3D, that is a big difference, for me at least… ( but then it may be one of those macho things about Β« size matters Β» πŸ˜‰) Hubert
  7. My kit is 32014, the B/D version. I found the box, and it has the pods you are looking for. I suppose you need just the pod parts, not the guns ? They are yours, dear sir. Just PM me your address. Hubert
  8. Lemme have a look tomorrow …. Hubert
  9. It was a pleasure watching you tackle this one, Jeroen, and the result speaks for itself πŸ‘ ! Hubert
  10. Is it a -C or -D kit ? I know for sure I won’t be using any gun pod on mine. The questions then are : 1) Do I have the right kit for you ? 2) where did I put the box ? Just trying to manage your expectations, but if I can help you, I will … Hubert
  11. Interesting work, Ron. I have a neophyte question : why would one want to lengthen the wheelbase on a truck aimed at hauling a trailer ? That must make the handling pretty tough on some bends and corners. Hubert
  12. I so regretted selling mine a few years ago, that I ordered one as soon as the re-release was announced. Still in preparation, though ... Hubert
  13. Happy New Year to all of you at LSM ! And I am with the others to send a big thank you to Ernie and the moderating team for the work to keep this site as enjoyable as it is ! Hubert
  14. All Ikea products are getting lower in quality. Another best-seller is the Billy bookshelf. You would imagine a shelf of a bookshelf would be designed to withstand the weight of books … It used to be, but the new ones just take a few weeks to bow under the weight … And, btw, as a former marketeer, my #1 preoccupation was always product quality, to answer consumers’ and customers’ needs… If you want to blame someone, go looking for the Β« gurus Β» of the Β« financial economy Β», and the traders operating on the stock-exchange to get their next Rolex, or Porsche … Hubert
  15. Great TBM, ans so much more interesting than a GSB bomber or torpedo aircraft πŸ‘ ! Well done, Jeff ! Hubert
  16. As it is Christmas, and in order not to offend anyone, I was going to stay politely silent … but I am with the others: thanks for the offer, but no, non, nao, niet, nie, thank you … (and it’s not about meeting the other members, but all about FB) Hubert
  17. Β« Ambitious project Β» is a trifle understated for this one πŸ˜‰ Hubert
  18. I am always in awe of your metal working craftmanship, Peter … Hubert
  19. This reminds me of when I signed the purchase of the building for my company: the piece of paper came with literally tons of appendices πŸ˜‰ (but they were paper, and not green )… Hubert
  20. It’s a pity to deface a 300 SL with this conversion, but the kit looks cool … Hubert
  21. This is going to be my contribution to the raffle: Eduard's Profipack Bf-108 with a few additional goodies like mask, wheels, PE-details, resin prop, etc. If it's acceptable for Ernie, I also have a number of books, basically duplicate buys, I can add to the raffle. But I know Ernie is wary of this kind of gift which has turned out to be more than often "lemons" from the givers... Hubert
  22. She’s a beauty, Peter. So very well done πŸ‘ ! Congrats on the result. Hubert
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