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Everything posted by HubertB

  1. 1500 Kms from home right now ... But, in case you did not know it had been released, my wife told me I just received the Roden Cessna L-19 with floats . And there are some cool civilian versions fo this one (not in the box, but that's what a Silhouette is for )... I love civvies and floatplanes / flying boats, in case you did not know yet ... And a pic ... I’ll try to find the time for a review. A (small) disapointment is that the floats (apparently base on an EDO model) are for an amphibious version, with the landing gear displayed. The LG hole will need to be filled for a pure floats version. Plus some Albion Alloys tubes, square and round, and their « Connecto » system. I hope I read their code system right, and the connectors will fit the tubes. Hubert
  2. Damn you Martin, now I have to find this one (the Merc I mean). I had this type of idea for NMF F-105 D at Bitburg. Greater « cool » factor than the same at Phalsbourg with a 4CV ... (or you can also imagine an EE Lightning with an Airfix E-type or MG ) Hubert
  3. Ernie has a point here . And in some places, snow is not white at all ... http://siberiantimes.com/other/others/news/eerie-black-snow-falls-over-siberian-region-triggering-acute-pollution-concerns-from-locals/ Hubert
  4. You’d then need to paint it green and yellow, and it would not be OOB. As for the pilots, I’m not sure they’d be too excited to take the commands of an engine obviuously made for plowing the fields ... Hubert
  5. Nice one, Ernie (but these stencils and walkways on the wings look agricultural on this arframe ) Hubert
  6. What can I say ... besides that I had to look twice at your pics to make sure I was looking at a kit Hubert
  7. I had the same kind of worried surprise the first time I opened the oil filling cap of my Porsche (3.6 l flat 6). It was full of what literally looked like mayonnaise . I called the guy who was maintaining it immediately. Perfectly normal. The water from ingested air in the combustion process mixes with hot oil fumes in the pistons (there are always some traces of them). It then condenses in the highest point of the oil circuit when the engine cools down, the filling pipe in the case of the flat 6. Beside, he told me he had never seen these engines have cam-head seal problem ... You generally don’t see it in other engines because this will dribble down in the crankcase, to be evaporated at the next engine run. Hubert
  8. Looking forward to see you perform one two of your magical tricks on building these kits This seat is already amazing. Just one comment : even though I am sure they are not that visible IRL, these molding seam lines on the frames would worry me , but then it’s just me ... and maybe that is one (of many) reasons why my kit output is so abysmally low ... Hubert
  9. The only thing that "works" well on ice is skates, or spiked tires. No ABS can save you under these circumstances. Hubert.
  10. I had missed this one so far. Silly me ! Great result on this one. Well done ! Hubert
  11. Good-looking cat. Still one of the most amazing airframes, and Grumman’ crowning achievement. Well done sir ! Hubert
  12. Welcome here Scott ! Cool place to stay and good company to enjoy ... Hubert
  13. They have some very cool bases, including carrier decks, grass and tarmac, and in 1/32 too. I follow them on ebay FWIW. Hubert
  14. +1 for rechristening LSM to LSK ... (K for Knitters, in case you had not heard of my adhesion to this new club) Hubert PS : oh, and yes, Peter, fantastic work, as usual ...
  15. Although WnW’s tight-fitting tolerances certainly contribute to the strength of the kit, I would have thought that taut monofilament would be a determining factor to making the whole finished bird stronger. Of course that means losing the accuracy of the flat RAF wire, but we are in a trade-off dilemna with these ... Btw, I have found some flat monofilament, but it is not small enough for the DH-2 rigging. It would look just about right for the Swordfish, though ... Hubert
  16. After fastidious checking that HPH got the nose right (which, just based on pics, I also thought was true, after initial doubts - but HPH may have revised their draft - ), it is quite funny to see you contemplating cutting that very same nose out Just my , of course ... Hubert
  17. Well technically, two of my cats ARE sometimes on my bench Hubert
  18. If we are into Dreamland, I’d still like to see Sir Peter Jackson prepare a movie with a B-58, or A HP Heyford ... Hubert Ok, the Heyford would probably not sell that many, not even as a resin kit ...
  19. To do that, you’ll need at least a SR-71, or another MiG-25 ... Just my Hubert
  20. Absolutely ! Like yellow wings Hubert
  21. At last some civvy ! This is where the old Gooney really got his legendary wings, IMHO (not trying to minimise its merits during WWII, or in Vietnam, mind you, but my inclinations are definitely not on the warry side)... Bring more Hubert
  22. If we are talking about bench « add-ons », here are my three home cats, on an ordinary morning at home (around 6:00 AM) The grey one on the left loves sniffing around my bench, and tasting the resin bits like a Fisher cockpit or a carefully-built frame structure for my on-going Gee-Bees’ builds. So I try to discourage his modelling interests. Both he and the Maine Coon princess on the right also love jumping on the shelves with all the paint pots. Getting them to jump down without creating havoc among all these chemicals is a regular challenge Hubert
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