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Everything posted by Bill_S

  1. Happy birthday, Peter!
  2. Throw my name in the hat please Ernie. Thanks for doing this; I'll dig through some things and find something to give.
  3. Kevin Futter of LSP has started a GoFundMe page to directly assist Paul. Word is that he has lost everything. With 24 hours, the goal of US $10k has been exceeded. If anyone is interested in donating, here is the link. https://www.gofundme.com/paul-fisher-fire-relief
  4. Ambitious, and I will be following with interest! You may be disappointed with the SAC gear, though...
  5. A very nice job, John. Your time to finish is incredible - I just hope it doesn't carry over to other aspects of your life...
  6. Only one on my list: Z-M Ki-45. I'm hoping or a B-24 Ploesti raider for Christmas next year!
  7. I for one would love to see a WIP...
  8. We'll have to see on that one, Jeff. I'm hot and heavy into an A6M2-N conversion (with WIP) at the moment. At the very least, I'll Give an in-box review if nobody beats me to the punch!
  9. Jeff, I think this pre-order is a first for me; the mockups that I've seen of the Nieuport look very promising. I ordered the late version.
  10. I just pre-ordered mine! http://www.copperstatemodels.com/main/productsCS/1/2
  11. Happy birthday, Harv!
  12. I have this one in the stash, and quite frankly the rigging frightens me!
  13. I use 1500 black quite often, thinned 1:1 - it's my "go to" primer these days. I have an old single action Badger that is dedicated to Mr. Surfacer.
  14. Nicely done! I'll have to get back to my "D" one of these days...
  15. Just saw this Harv. My condolences.
  16. My WNW Fokker E.III (Late).
  17. The Shelf of Zoom...
  18. Land yachts... those were the days. A sweet ride, Ernie!
  19. The engine on this kit is a gem. Most of it is together; some PE details to be added before I commence wiring.
  20. Thanks, Rob! Elmer's is just cheap white school glue.
  21. A little progress... Forward center section of the lower wing was cut out. I added some backing material, and some shims to fit the MDC insert. Some filling, sanding, and rescribing will be in order, but it's to be expected. Checking the fit of the upper wings. All appears good. I laid down a coat of Tamya XF-71 over Mr. Surfacer black on the main cockpit components. Detailing these areas will take a while - there's a lot there. I removed the mounting for the arrestor hook lock lever. I have to be in the right frame of mind to paint the details. Until I'm ready, I've started on the engine. I used Elmer's to mask areas to be cemented. Cylinder heads were sprayed with MM Metalizer Aluminum. I'll follow that with a black wash to show some detail. Crankcase will be a 50/50 mix of IJN Gray and RLM 65. I've added some tiny Eduard PE details from their A6M5 engine set. They're tacked with white glue. Once dry, I'll CA them in place.
  22. I'll hold out for the glass nose...
  23. I saw that Doyusha had the old Willow trainers on display, too.
  24. The openings for the machine guns creates a very delicate piece hanging in space. Clumsy me is virtually guaranteed to snap that off at some point; Tamiya provides gun troughs which will strengthen the part in this area. Aotake (Model Master enamel) sprayed... Now for the cut to remove the tail... The cut follows panel lines, and isn't the easiest thing to do. Both sides cut and resin plug fitted. Still some tweaking, and it will take some filler, but I'm not displeased.
  25. My shelf space is at a premium; the Lancaster, regardless of manufacturer, is way too big for me. I'm saving that space for a B-24.
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