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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by GazzaS

  1. The shapes of this model give me the heebee-geebees. Anyway... some color.
  2. Thank you Rob! I dropped that poor little Albie twice yesterday without breaking anything off. Hopefully it will have a charmed existence.
  3. Thanks for looking guys! Even if you can't see it. Trust me... working in micro scale is a challenge. I never imagined doing wood grain in 1/72. So, I broke our the paints and went to it. First thing I needed was the natural color of pine. So, I took a couple samples and blew them up. The orangey side is the brown layer between the lighter layers from the same board. I used Tamiya paints to make the lighter color and Citadel washes to make the darker streaks... which I then wet sanded down to make less apparent. If I didn't suck so much at scribing, I would have added some faint lines to the fuselage. Then I sprayed with Tamiya clear yellow heavily diluted in X-22. The regulations said that the Albatros wooden areas were supposed to be stained yellow. So, I've worked hard to avoid the orange look seen on the few museum examples that survive. It is my belief that the wood on them has darkened as it has aged. Happy squinting!
  4. I got into a little group build with one of my local clubs which is coming close to the finish date. So, I cracked on with this little kit for the last couple days. Happy modelling!
  5. Remember the first time your bare little thighs landed on sun baked black vinyl seats?
  6. Very nice progress, Peter. I love how neat your detail painting is. You're more like a Dutch Master to my Van Gogh...lol
  7. Hi Rob, keep up the good work. VEry interesting that you have to soak them in hot water and let them dry.
  8. It's fugly... but keep up the good work! I would treat it like a WWI model. Dry fit. Paint. Assemble. Pray-it-looks-ok.
  9. I won't be using the box art, but I will be using a historical scheme. I haven't decided which one, yet.
  10. I would think them magnets for gunfire... so I think I would stay away, too. I've seen at least one of those pictures in the past. Still, it's good to see more. You never know when a detail or an inspiration is gonna jump out at you.
  11. Thank you, Martin! You must have a staggering library.
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