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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. One would think these projects would be a trade secret until they are almost released just to keep another mfgr from swooping in and stealing the interested customer base.
  2. Getting closer. Here’s my custom color mix. Funny, in person the spinner looks a hair darker than the decal. Decal looks darker in the pic.
  3. I bought a package of 0000 steel wool for modeling use probably 20 years ago. I’ve only used one piece of it. 🤣 But yes, great for weathering effects and surface prep. I did wash it with lacquer thinner because some brands have an oil coating to prevent rust. Here’s another steel wool tip: if you want to “age” new wood, take a quart of vinegar and drop in about half a hunk of steel wool and let it sit a week or two. Shake occasionally. After it has aged, brush or spray using a garden sprayer the vinegar mix (after filtering you the steel that broke down) on the wood. Let it sit out in the sunlight a few days. Now you have new “old” wood. Turns it into an aged gray color. My dock needed a new 2X10 runner installed that would have been very visible and there’s no way I was paying Duke Energy (they own the lake and require permits for any work done) $350 to have them send their guy out to collect a check and see what I was replacing. Now my new board looks exactly like the old boards. Not kidding you, they fly drones around the lake looking for work done without permits.
  4. Well that’s a “Well $#it” moment. Sorry to hear of this.
  5. Missed it bythismuch! Not a 1911, but a new version of the Browning Hi-Power. 1911 was a 7 rd .45 ACP and the Hi-Power is a 15 rd. 9mm. They look very close because both were designed by John Moses Browning. This one is made by Springfield Inc. and has a few improvements over the original.
  6. Oh yea, and this followed me home from the fun store today.
  7. I keep forgetting to post these. I made a post last month about TenaControls sale. I kind of went nuts, but could have easily spent 2-3X as much on lighting kits for my sy-fi kits. This one is for the 1/350 TOS Enterprise. of course I had to upgrade and get the remote kit And this is for the 1/35 or 18” Lost In Space flying saucer. I needed a lot more. Maybe later.
  8. I’ve made a little P-40 progress. I did a preshading on this one. I’m quite happy with my results so far. I have a few minor details to respray, but nothing big.
  9. Fantastic! Looks like Hubert and myself are starting to be besties. He won my Rodent Stearman last year. LOL!
  10. Sounds like Farley focused on snap together kits because my Mustang snaps apart all the time. Not kidding. I ran over a 1” diameter stick in the road. It was about a foot long. Tire threw it into the rear bumper and it almost took it off. And yes, I have the dreaded hood corrosion. In Fords infinite wisdom, a 2015 has to have corrosion all the way through to be covered but the 2016 just had to have signs of corrosion. And if I replace the hood, do you really think I’m putting another Ford part back on just to rinse and repeat a few years later? I’ve lost all faith in Fords ability to produce a quality product anymore.
  11. Anyone know if there is an accurate strike camera (or if the Tamiya kit includes one) in the aftermarket world? My Google-Fu was weak on this one. I did see a 3D printed 1/48 version though.
  12. I remember when those came out along with the F-16. I was holding out for the F-4 Phantom that never came out after the prototype was posted online. After seeing the eBay prices, I should have stocked up!
  13. Oh man, so sad to hear this Carl. 😢
  14. Hubert, that is way beyond very generous! Now that’s the spirit!!
  15. I’ve got it! Now it’s not 1/32, sorry. I wish they made one in our scale. But I’m going to purchase and have shipped to the recipient the new Airfix 1/48 Fairey Gannet. If you’re in the US, it will most likely come from Sprue Bros or Squadron. If you’re outside the US, I’ll use the vendor of your choice you buy from.
  16. I had the latest version of that kit in the stash for years. Finally decided to let it go and sold it just over a year ago. Another one of those “why did I do that?” moments.
  17. Ok, this is awesome since it’s been on my “to build” list for 20 years now. 🤪 Damn. I cannot believe it’s been that long “On the back burner.” Dad was there when they landed and threw the impromptu parade. They had just landed and unloaded their C-141 and was wondering what all the commotion was about.
  18. I’m in of course, but I’m torn between a stash kit or a gift card or ordering the recipient a kit from their favorite vendor. I’m going to think about the options Ernie and Hubert posted.
  19. Only if you’re not affected by the “SQUIRREL!” syndrome. There are a hell of a lot of small parts and pieces that go together to build sub assemblies and even while building one must practice handling eggshells. I’m building in stages and painting and weathering as I go. If you try to assemble then paint, it’s going to be extremely difficult. As an after thought, look into aftermarket resin tires for the kit. I went with the rubber tires and not only do they have an ugly seam around the tread that is hard to remove, but a few were deformed where they sit on the wheels.
  20. Carl, this one? Might have to get one for our daughter. 🤣🤣
  21. For my wife to lose her mind over my AmEx bill! We have my CC tied to our Amazon account. So every time this wife sits on her phone at work or watching TV Christmas shopping for the family, it looks like I’ve run up the CC bill. 🤣 Of course I did get an email ad the other day from Northern Tool with the “surface conditioning tool” on sale for $100. I figured our handyman needed one, he’s been thinking about trying one out with the wire wheel attachment to “age” wood for projects his wife wants done. Im not gonna lie. I’m the handyman. I am guilt free after checking the bill just now. There are no charges to any of my regular hobby vendors. Just one to Super Hobby in Europe for a sheet of decals. 😇
  22. Nice additions there Kevin. I have that Stuka kit in que to go on the bench next. The Quinta cockpit set for it is amazing.
  23. It’s the chassis for the Hemtt that pulls the Patriot missile launch system. His new command is over these down in TX. He asked me to build him a model for his desk. This thing is so intricate and detailed, I’m not sure how I’m going to safely pack it for shipping.
  24. Making a little progress on the build for my son.
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