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Everything posted by rkranias

  1. well done Jim. Very nice. No get to work on some builds!
  2. Revell Ju88A-1 USD$40 Amazon. Free shipping with Amazon Prime.
  3. Σας ευχαριστώ. Τα θετικά σχόλιά σας εκτιμώνται.
  4. got you covered Vivian. Have the Mk.IXc and will dig out the decal sheet and forward to you.
  5. talk about throwing one together! looking really nice
  6. well done with the color modulation! canopy work is top.
  7. love the 3D action for the jigs. my geekness is aroused.
  8. really well done Jim. just love the HZ stuff. My bench/man cave overhaul continues. Hope to finish late Jul early Aug.
  9. you got this thing for wood finishes and really cool display bases. another beauty!
  10. a beautiful effort. the display base just sends this over the top on so many levels. would love to see this displayed next to Hatch's Nater.
  11. great work on the checker tail.
  12. Thanks Ben. Cheers Mate! Thanks Thanks Mike. Currently rebuilding my bench. So no action till late summer. ON DECK: Ju88 G1/G6 Mistel 2 - finish Typhoon - finish FW190C - finish Then start: Tamiya Mossie from delivery to bench DH.9 Greek - WNW GB Ju388 Conversion Thanks Cheers Nick certainly very humbled. I'll just be happy to have her hold her ground with some of the beautiful Jugs I seen.
  13. Can anybody identify these blisters on the gun doors of these 262's? One plane has a teardrop shape blister and the other blister is rectangular. My assumption is these are to accommodate the MG's mounted in the nose. The Trumpeter 262A2-A has the teardrop shaped blister and appears so do the other Trumpy 262 offerings. Any help would be much appreciated. NASM Me262 USAF Museum Best - Rick
  14. great effort on this. I'm gonna wimp out and wait for the KH kit. Watching this!
  15. quick! gimme a flyswatter! nice stash.....
  16. Thank you Father! Seems you have secured all of Europe's Modular supply.
  17. This has been stewing for some time and I am finally getting to it. My bench is a nearly 20 year old "U" shaped office desk. My job(s) were always Virtual Based which was nice as corporate/manufacturing was typically several hundred miles away and my boss equally separated. As long as I met or exceeded budget forecast I was left alone. I missed all the office drama and politics, I just cranked the sales numbers. That said, I needed a nice set up. Years of use the "pressed wood" was beginning to warp and the joints were weak. This set up served me well for my return to modelling in 2012. I needed something bigger and everything is getting a make over It's a complete overhaul of the ManCave: New Bench Acrylic Photo Table Revised exercise area New desk New shelves and entertainment center Birth of my bench was a consolidation of my work desk and grad school desk. Prime directive from wife was "no fumes allowed". Spray Booth installed with exhaust configuration. Before After Exhaust detail. Vents mounted on 1/4" board, then installed in open window during paint sessions. Really happy with results and effectiveness.
  18. Progress Jim! Plan looks sound. Nice stash BTW. We will be sharing same joys and angst as I am starting to rebuild my bench.
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