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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. The Trumpeter kit is completely different from the Das Week one. The Das Werk kit is made in cooperation with Takom, just like Andy's kits.
  2. The house is looking nice Rog. It's unfortunate about the water pipe but better it happened now before you moved in.
  3. Great looking 190. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Here in North America, the Chevy Vega was known to rust away while in the showroom. No driving required.
  5. I picked up a couple Wingleader books. The newest one is one the Dambusters Lancaster.
  6. That's a nice looking Alfa Rob. They're such a classic design.
  7. Hope you feel better soon Ralph. Not COVID, but I've been fighting a nasty chest cold the last week. Can't wait till it clears.
  8. Nice pair of Lightnings and a Toom to go with them. I still have an F6 in the stash from way back when along with the 1/32 Trumpeter kit. I've been trying to get my hands on an Echelon vac but no luck yet.
  9. Happy birthday Peter! Hope you get all your plastic wishes fullfilled.
  10. That's going to be a big model Scott!
  11. Like I said earlier Rob, that's a great price on the Abarth. Hope to see you work your magic on it soon.
  12. Rob, try flat clear paint on the clear parts. If you use acrylic, if you don't like it you can strip it off. Otherwise, the suit is looking amazing.
  13. Looks great John. Another lovely build from you.
  14. That could be interesting. It has been so far. If it doesn't fit together, you've missed or done something wrong.
  15. Scott, is the Squadron book correct? Seeing that it's a drawing, it could be off too. Unless there's a pic in the book of the plane showing it match the profile. As for the stripe facing the wrong way, just switch the decals around from one side to the other. Also, looks like the 49 is smaller on the desal sheet.
  16. Some nice progress there Ralph. Too bad Mando isn't in the same scale. You could have him drive the Sdkfz!
  17. Both fuselages are together now.
  18. Continuing with the wings, for the slatted one the instructions only show how to build it with the slats deployed or down. On the ground, the only users to have the slats down when parked was the Luftwaffe. So I wanted to see if they could be mounted in the more typical stowed position. Here's the upper wing with the slat. Test fitting it in the stowed position shows a perfect fit which is great news. I'll check the underwing actuators once I get closer to that part of the assembly but they should be just a quick modification.
  19. Chris, I'll try to do something up for the Hints and Tips section.
  20. If it wasn't outrageous in price, I could see myself getting one too.
  21. Did you scream "Khannnnnn!!!!" when you found it in the mailbox?
  22. Thanks for sharing Maru. The Lysander is a different looking plane. Definitely function over form.
  23. The one that always got me was the Canberra. The EE version always looked like it was wearing goggles whereas the Martin one actually looked normal.
  24. Chris, if you try the Tamiya X-20A approach here's some things to watch out for. - Don't use acrylic paint or the thinner could cause the base paint to react. I will topcoat with clear lacquer if I painted with acrylic. - Have some Tamiya decal adhesive handy. It's not necessary but I've found it helpful. The thinner can wash away the decal adhesive. I usually apply the thinner, wait a bit then a dab of the decal adhesive. - It helps to use a stuff brush to push the decals over/into the surface details. I have a soft bristled one that I dip in water and then gently stipple over the decal to get it to confirm over more complex surfaces. It's not always necessary but can help. - Definitely try it on a spare decal first. It'll easily melt the more delicate ones.
  25. Yup, intakes, wings and cockpits. More is forthcoming. I've started a build thread for the F-4s in the 1/48 section.
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