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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Found it! Schatton Modellbau make it. https://www.modellbau-schatton.de/index.php/shop/conversion-set-for-me-262-v083--resin-nose-and-in-brass-dr
  2. There is a resin conversion out there for the Trumpeter kit. The manufacturer escapes me at the moment but it was a complete nose, gear bay and resin gun barrel although you could get a brass one for it. I had one but sold it a while ago. Maybe someone else will recall who made it. Carl
  3. Just got back from vacation and my sister had my 50th birthday gift waiting for me when we got back. I've wanted a Tamiya Bruiser since they first came out when I was 14. Carl
  4. That certainly would work nicely. I want to get my Tiger Meet CF-18 going and then I'll take another crack at finishing the bits for the Tse Tse.
  5. That sounds promising Ernie. A couple other ex WNW staff launched a new line of 1/144 BoB planes on Kickstarter recently too. They were starting with the Spitfire and 109 and hoped to branch out from there. There's more info on Britmodeler about that venture. Carl
  6. Thanks! The Tamiya kit lends itself to a conversion as just about everything would be swapping out kit parts. The biggest hurdle might be the extra armour that goes on either side of the nose and wing rads. You'd have to make them from sheet styrene. I asked Harold if he was interested in making moulds from the boys when I was done initially. Might have to check in with him when I get them done. Carl
  7. We're at the Canadian Bushplane museum is Sault Ste Marie. Gratuitous but mandatory beaver shot. Carl
  8. Great work Mark. I used the PE set for the gun bay and it wasn't the easiest to make it fit. The rear fuselage looks great too. Nice and tidy paintwork on the cables too. Enjoy your vacation. We're about halfway back to home from ours. Carl
  9. Yup, I started on one. Got everything but the shell ejection port made. I need to get to it one day. Carl
  10. John, it looks like Aerocraft is doing a resin canopy for the Trumpeter kit. https://aerocraftmodels.bigcartel.com/product/p-51-screen-and-rear-doghouse-section-for-trumpeter-1-32-kit
  11. Tamiya make a very simple gravity feed trigger style airbrush. I have one somewhere that I completely forgot about until your post. In fact it was my first airbrush. It's black and red, and mostly plastic. I'm going to try and find mine if I can and I'll post pics if/when I do. Carl
  12. Got a package from HLJ the other day. A bit of variety in terms of subjects. First up is something on four wheels. Back in '93, a Japanese garage kit maker made a beautiful T-Rex skeleton model. It was about $200 at the time. I found one in a store in Hong Kong but didn't get it at the time. Bandai just released this 1/32 kit for 1/4 the price and twice the size. Lastly, another Zoids kit. They've got great box art that's for sure.
  13. Phil, I've got a few different ones and use my oldest for cutting the big sprues like you do. Honestly I probably have more than I need but keep buying them.
  14. Thanks Peter! It was a good one. Hubert, they were indeed yummy. Still trying to finish them. Can't eat cake like I could when I was 10. Carl
  15. Nice haul there Peter. I'd be curious to know how quiet the compressor is as I'm considering a new one. Carl
  16. I ordered a couple of Trumpeter single blade nippers off eBay on July 28 from Hong Kong. They were in the mailbox today when I got home. As much as I like the Dspiae ones, these seem to get into tighter spots a bit easier. And they're less than 1/2 the price. My current pair cut so close to the surface, that I can often skip sanding the part after.
  17. I think it'll take more than 4 laps. Sue also made a cheesecake.
  18. Phil, what you've got done on that interior looks great to me. I like the slightly oily look the engine has. Carl
  19. Thanks everyone! Phil, I shared the cakes. My mother in law made cream filled eclairs so it was hard not to.
  20. Thanks Harv! Yup, I made it to 50. Was supposed to celebrate with some of you in Vegas but had that detailed. Will try again at some point. Otherwise I can't complain. Had my parents and my youngest sister and her family over to celebrate with. Plus, two ice cream cakes...
  21. Best part is I can eat the evidence.
  22. Here you go Jerry: https://newtype.us/v/infini/tool Carl
  23. I think someone overdid the weathering.
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