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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Ok, so after being sick for most of last week, I've finally made it back to the workbench. After painting the prop blades and spinners, I realized I'd used the wrong colour. I'd used RLM 66 instead of 70 so I repainted them. At the same time, I did the front parts in white.
  2. Thanks Gaz! Thanks! Good to hear you're trying with the grandson at least. Bandai kits are a great intro. They're well engineered, go together well and can be played with after assembly if they're gentle enough. I think I'm lucky as far as my boys go. They're both more interested in building/making stuff with their hands than video games at the moment. We've got all the game consoles in our house (they're mine actually) but they've only recently discovered Nintendo and they're happy to play it at their friends' houses. The biggest fight for their attention is just plain old TV.
  3. Thanks Ryan! I've got the Trop as well as a third kit for the AiMs G4 conversion. I'll have to see when I get to those in the cue. Thanks Peter! I generally keep weathering light as well. This will probably be a bit heavier than my usual but not beaten to death.
  4. Thanks Martin! Although being sick for much of last week means I guess I'm about even in terms of progress. Thanks Grunhertz! Thanks! I'm happy with the way it's turning out.
  5. Crazy fast progress on this Cees. Carl
  6. Very nice build Ernie. I think you should build more of these kerosene burners in the future. Carl
  7. Looks good to me as well Gaz. You can always add a bit later once they're installed like Rob said. Carl
  8. That's good to hear Peter. My wife occasionally complains about the smell of paint but I generally don't spray a ton at a time. Always nice to have one more option. Carl
  9. Hey, Harv's back so that's good enough for me. Me, I've been too sick all week to go near the bench. Just a really bad cold the boys wanted to share with me and my wife. Hopefully I'll be functional and back at it this coming week. Carl
  10. I found a listing for a house with a 6,000 sq ft garage. The bonus was the 4,000 sq ft workshop. My wife vetoed it as it was in North Carolina but was only about 20% more than our 1,200 sq ft house here in Toronto is worth. Carl
  11. Glad you're almost home Harv if not there by now. Carl
  12. That looks awesome. Colour me jealous. My wife decried that the garage is for only cars and bikes, and not to used as a workshop. She's concerned I'll turn it into one and we'll never get the cars back into it. Carl
  13. Tony, that's far too neat and tidy. I think it's staged. Carl
  14. I dunno. Have you seen Adam Savage's colleague and fellow modeler in this video?
  15. Thanks Harv! I got a bit more done today. The hubs and props are next up. Then it was time to do the MGs. Here's the kit ones in the middle of removing the stock barrels. I need to do the outer pair of nose guns next. I also masked off and painted on the crosses.
  16. That looks awesome Ernie! Great tips on the build too which should help others. Carl
  17. Thanks Harv, it is isn't it? Almost makes you wish there was an all black B-25.
  18. The Bf 110 seemed to carry some very heavy exhaust staining in almost all in service pics I've seen so I added some using Tamiya smoke. The other side of the nacelle where the exhaust goes under the wing. I then added a bit of olive drab to the staining to add a bit more opacity.
  19. I'm really liking it as well. It's a touch more expensive than Gunze here in Canada but it seems to be easier to find so that should balance things out. Me too. But the pics for this plane show a somewhat dirty finish so I'm going to try for one. Not my usual that's for sure.
  20. I'm back at it since the deadline is coming up. I'm not sure I'll make it but if I don't try, I won't know. I finally finished off the fuselage for French Kiss and got it ready for a black base coat. I used Tamiya X1 for this. After an initial light coat, I noticed a couple spots needed some quick sanding so I did that and then sprayed a full coat of paint. Now to let that dry for a bit. Carl
  21. Occasionally I get a bit of frosting if I'm spraying a flat clear so I usually stick to a satin finish. Try adding a drop or two of gloss to your flat and that might help with the frosting issue.
  22. Up to your usual high standards there John. Carl
  23. Nice to see you here Scott. Carl
  24. Cool! I've got a pair of these under construction at the moment. They're in the HK group build section. You may want to consider the Eduard corrected seats as well. HGW also has them in a set with their fabric seat belts if you want add those as well. Last thing would be nose weights. There's a couple sets out there or you can make your own. I used pennies in one of mine as they're no longer legal tender here in Canada. Carl
  25. Hey Martin, Tamiya is coming out with an RC version of your car! https://tamiyablog.com/2019/02/some-extra-details-and-bonus-of-the-upcoming-tamiya-58664-ford-mustang-gt4/ You should get one for your daughter and do it up like your car. Carl
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