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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Thanks Martin! With the big greenhouse on the Kingfisher, I think a bunch of it will be visible versus the B-25. Thanks! I'm actually taking kind of slow at the moment. Just doing a bit here and there. Certainly not the pace that I was doing the BF110 at.
  2. I say Yes! I've got the same conversion in the stash but lack the donor kit at the moment. So it'll be great to see you build one. Carl
  3. Here is my latest build and first of 2019. The kit overall has really decent fit. The nacelles can be fiddly but otherwise, there's next to no filler on the kit. The biggest letdown are the horrendous instructions which weren't corrected in subsequent releases. Hopefully the Revell reissue will have better instructions. She's a bit big for my photo booth which came as a surprise while I was building her. Carl
  4. Ok, so a bit more work done. There a number of circular bits on the main float. Some of them are on the seam line so decided to sand them down and replace them with styrene discs I punched out. Hopefully they'll be more defined than the original kit detail. I started adding some of the PE detail to the cockpit bits. The ammo box for the nose mounted 0.30cal has several holes in it to indicate remaining ammo rounds. It's probably a bit hard to tell but I drilled them out so that it might easier to see them in the finished cockpit. More soon. Carl
  5. Thanks Peter. Parts definitely need to be test fit before committing to glue. Can't just throw it together but I'm enjoying it.
  6. Not a bad idea John. Thanks for the tip. It's not like you'll see any of it once it's done so makes sense to me.
  7. Quite the jungle gym there Harv. If you're closing it all up, I wonder how much can be left off? Most builds I've seen have everything in place but on their Skyraider, I left a bunch of stuff out and no one's the wiser. Carl
  8. For clear coats, I use Tamiya. Usually their semigloss clear for a finish coat. I have their flat clear which looks a bit milky in the bottle but rarely use it. It does dry clear and almost dead flat though. I use their lacquer thinner when airbrushing but the regular X20A thinner works too. Hope that helps.
  9. Happy birthday James! Carl
  10. These are from the recent Airfile book on the Beaufighter.
  11. Martin, I think your definition of "keeping it simple" is other people's " I'm going to scratch build an interior" Which is awesome! I picked up a Tamiya Beaufighter to get an idea to the layout of the interior. Want me to scan the instructions? Carl
  12. That's certainly the case so far. But with a bit of extra attention, it seems to going together well. I guess I'll know more, the further I get into it.
  13. Ok, with the BF110 out of the way, it was time to start plugging away at the Kingfisher. I decided to fill in the pontoon struts with epoxy putty to give the wire some added strength. While it was still soft, I joined the halves together. This way, there wouldn't be any gaps from too much putty in the pylons. At least that's the idea.
  14. This is great Martin. I almost started this instead of the Kingfisher. Still might break it out especially with you building one. As for an all black version, that's the release I have: I'm thinking Coastal Command myself but I need to make a clear some to cover the antennae on the fuselage. Carl
  15. Thanks for sharing the pic. I was wondering what the adding would have looked like.
  16. Actually, all the Kingfishers had removable floats. They could swap out for the landing gear depending on their base of operation.
  17. Harv, here's the profile I have with the thimble nose.
  18. I've got a drawing of a Horton with a thimble nose radar mount. Sort of like on a Mossie. Definitely more aero versus the antler look. Let me see if I can dig it up. Carl
  19. I remembered that Dragon did a night fighter version of the Ho229 years ago. Here's their take on it. https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/m/image/10062500 The radar is mounted to the nose on a long pole.
  20. Ok, I checked the BF110D nachtjäger kit. I don't need the radar antennae for the G-4 so you can have those if you want. Only thing is the arms are really square. I think they might look out of place on the Ho229. The other thing I dug up is the radar from the Revell FW190 A-8/R11kit. The arms are at least round. There's two of these sprues and I'm planning to build it as a day fighter so won't need them either. They're supposed to be mounted on the wings but should be adaptable for mounting to the nose of the Ho229. Let me know if either set works for you. Carl
  21. Let me check my BF110 kit. I've got the AIMs G-4 conversion for it but as my donor kit is the night fighter version if I don't need the kit bits, I can send those to you. Carl
  22. Okay, time to wrap this puppy up. First up, the remaining canopy bits. I've decided to do them in the open position so that meant the hinges for the one above the pilot and the pinched in one for the gunner. In order to get the pilot's one to set at the correct angle, I had to hold the plane upside down until the glue set. Then it was the antennae along the bottom and she was done! So now to go full steam ahead on the Kingfisher. Carl
  23. Thanks Gaz! Your T-34 dio is looking really great too.
  24. It sprays the same as Gunze in my view. Same approach to thinning it and cleaning up too. Thanks Ernie! Now that I know I can pull off these squiggly line camo schemes, I might try building the He219 in my stash.
  25. Looks great Harv. Nice to nice you back at the bench too. Carl
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