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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Next up, I started on the rear fuselage. The parts need some careful cleanup as there are moulded separation lines along the edges of many parts. Once cleaned up, they go together nicely though. While that was drying, I assembled the wing spar and upper wing and nacelles.
  2. With so many parts Like my cat has?
  3. I'm really jumping around on this build so don't know if it'll be a good one to follow. Anyways, I started with one of the engines. The pistons and con rods are moulded into the engines. But you'll never see them again once they're together.
  4. My bench was looking a bit too sparse with just the Kingfisher on it so I gave into the impulse to start on this kit. I've had it in the stash since it first came out so it was about time. Some of the AM for this build. As seems the current situation, our cat couldn't stay away. I just need to keep her from huffing the glue or she'll never leave. Carl
  5. I believe that the Profimodeler PBJ set may have the radar dome in it. Ernie has the set so should be able to confirm if it doesn't doesn't. Carl
  6. Well, as the saying goes: idle hands makes one glue plastic bits together.... Now I know what it's like when my sister's dog sees a squirrel.
  7. It still looks good though. Sometimes the simple approach is the bestest. Carl
  8. Ernie, is that the same crew working on FM104? Carl
  9. Yup, it kept staring at me and calling out. I really didn't either Martin. I was almost going to start another 110 but kept hearing a hooting sound.
  10. Your woodwork is truly stunning.
  11. Alright! Time to pull up a chair and watch the fun begin. There's a shop around the corner from me that does some great vintage aviation logo'd clothing including this one: Needless to say, I think I may have to get you one so you're suitably dressed for this build. Carl
  12. Thanks guys! The paint job was something new for me and now that I know I can get a fine squiggle done, it means I can finally look at some night fighter camo schemes... Carl
  13. I spent this evening working on something new...
  14. I've seen it here but haven't had a chance to get a bottle to try it yet. Judging by the condition of your bottle, I'd say it's worth looking into. Carl
  15. That's the wrong tool in the background Tony. You need one of these. Ask Harv, he'll agree with me. A nice single malt from Scotland would work too.
  16. You're lucky. My two boys have figured out they like building models and have started raiding my stash...
  17. I love the fact that these owners are out using their cars and not keeping them in little plastic bubbles.
  18. That Hellcat looks like it has the measles. Carl
  19. Looks like there's a cockpit coming after all: https://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?/topic/78886-124-scale-and-132-scale-scr-522-a-radio-and-132-beaufighter-cockpit/page/2/ So thanks Martin for starting yours! Carl
  20. Hey Martin, I know you're putting the Mustang away for the winter but have you seen these guys? Check out the video too. The rally cars completely look at home on the snow. https://jalopnik.com/now-presenting-supercars-on-ice-1833019877 Carl
  21. Looks like I might not have a choice. Somehow, while test fitting the big cylindrical bit on the back of the engine it's gone missing. Which means I wouldnt be able to mount the engine as per the kit so onto to something kit bashed. Or is it just bashed? Carl
  22. Purty! Carl
  23. Thanks Peter! The Eduard exterior PE set had those discs but they're flat and they want you to emboss them. I just figured this would be easier. Thanks Nige! This is my first KH kit. It definitely won't be a shake and bake. What I'm finding is that you really need to dry fit parts and some need a slight tweak before they go together nicely. So it's almost best to approach it like a limited run kit. I'm using the Eduard PE set for the kit. There's a couple bits that I'll have to use the kit PE for like the belts as I'm not fond of the prepainted ones. And nobody else makes any. Ron, Nice sounds like me. Start a bunch of kit and see where the dust settles.
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