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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. If they're the Tamiya sprues, I'll send you the PE exhausts that Tamiya include for them. Every F4U kit has the on their PE fret so I have plenty of spares. Carl
  2. Rob, Either the Aires or Profimodeller rockets will work on a Mossie. The problem there is a question of launch rails. If you're doing a Mossie with 4 rails per wing, the Aires MkI launch rails are usable. Later on, they switched to the MkIII rail which was lighter. If you're looking to do a Coastal Command Mossie with the duplex setup, then it gets a bit more complicated as no one makes a complete setup in 1/32. MDC make the pylons only in resin but no hangers. Aviaeology is/was supposed to come out with a MkIII hanger set which also includes the guard rails for the drop tanks but it's been stuck in development purgatory for a couple years now. The set is supposed to also includes the pylons but they'll be PE so would require fleshing out to get the appropriate shape. Which is how I ended up starting work on a TseTse Mossie conversion as it doesn't carry rockets. Carl
  3. Unless said person was to build an FAA Corsair IV which didn't use the rockets. That's the way I'm building mine. Carl
  4. Yesz they're only in the -1D kit.Maybe try ordering just the sprue from Tamiya America? The launchers are moulded onto the rockets along with the fins so you would need two copies of the sprue in the pic. I'll try to get you the part number when I'm back home. Carl
  5. Ok, dug a bit more into this after looking at the pics I posted above. The Profimodeller rockets won't work as they're 3" rockets and the B-25 used 5" ones under the wings. Here's the Tamiya 5" rockets compared to the Profimodeller one: MK1 Design makes a 5" rocket but they don't come with pylons. https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/MA-32002 Carl
  6. I'm had to dig these pics up from my old build but here's the Aires rocket on top of the Profimodeller version: With the narrow warhead I'll try to post some pics of the Tamiya Corsair rockets. Carl
  7. Even though there's a postal strike here in Canada, these arrived o e the last couple of days. First up is the last big gunned Sherman tank. I got this for a good price so i was happy. Another one for Ernie... Lastly, with the possibility of a Privateer conversion coming out for the forthcoming HB B-24J, I thought this would be a good primer. Carl
  8. Thanks everyone! Just got the news that my sister and her husband have decided to name him Lincoln. The rest of the family will be meeting him later today. As for Zoe, she got a belated steak for her birthday. She was happy to say the least. Carl
  9. Whoops, wrong forum. Can the mods move this to the general forum? Thanks.
  10. I just got back from the hospital where my youngest sister has given birth to a bouncing baby boy. She's tired and resting as to be expected but mom and son are doing well. This is my first nephew and the first boy cousin for my two. I wonder what model I should get him for his first Christmas? In other news, our dog Zoe turned 11 today as well. Happy birthday fuzzbucket! Carl
  11. Compressor is a slight understatement. As for me, I'm not sure but the Max Factory 1/20 VF-1 would be high on the list. Carl
  12. Wait a sec, don't Profimideller make a dedicated rocket set for the PBJ? I think Martin posted a pic of it somewhere. Carl
  13. Should be ok I'd reckon with the pointy ones. To make things easier on myself, for my B-25 I'm using the ones out of the Tamiya F4U-1D kit as they have have the launchers on them Carl
  14. I'm really liking what I see and I'm glad I've got one on preorder. Hope you're feeling better soon James and I can't wait to more progress. Carl
  15. Peter, I look forward to your armour build. If you have any questions, I'm sure we'll be able to help out . Carl
  16. I followed the decal instructions which showed the Panzer grey in all the chipped spots. Most of these tanks were rebuilt so it made some sense to me and I felt it gave the model a unique look.
  17. I finally started work on smoothing out the fuselage seams. It wasn't as bad or difficult as I expected thankfully. I did lose a couple panel lines so I've re-engraved those onto the fuselage. Next up were the rivets. To better see the existing ones, I gave the fuselage a quick panel wash. Carl
  18. Thanks Maxim! It's a thin line of putty in the nacelle/wing seam. I needed it on one of them for some reason, probably operator error. Also, thanks for the heads up on the landing light. I'll look out for that when I get there. Carl
  19. With the fuselages drying away, I turned my attention to the wings. On the nacelles, one thing I noticed is that the gear doors are engraved at the same depth as the panel lines. I decided to deepen them a bit to make them look like they open. Before: After: I then glued the wing halves together and attached the MLG leg, followed by the nacelles.
  20. Thanks Cees! It is a challenge to keep motivated on these big builds that for sure. The encouragement from other members helps a bunch. The last time I tried something similar was on a HK/Tamiya Mossie double build I ended up finishing the HK one but then it suffered a Category A incident and I lost interest in finishing the Tamiya one. It spent a year in purgatory before I got around to completing it. Thanks Martin! No sledgehammer needed.
  21. Man, you're just burning through this kit. And doing a great job of it too. Carl
  22. I'm the opposite of Martin. I airbrush as much as possible as my brush painting skills have either gone out the window or never made it in the window in the first place. I've even masked off ejection seat pull rings Carl
  23. When I use a primer, I use Tamiya as well but from the jar. They sell it in the same square bottles that their cement comes in so there's no need to decant their cans. https://www.tamiya.com/english/products/87096surface/index.htm It also comes in grey. Some folks use Mr Surfacer 1200 as a primer and that comes in several colours including black. Carl
  24. Ok, stopped by to see you work your magic on a P-47 but the P-51A should be just as interesting. Carl
  25. Nice progress Martin and some fantastic photos too. As for no. 5, I wonder if the cowl is dented or it's the way the paint has faded. Hard for me to tell. Carl
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