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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. I've got a few of these cars. I forgot I had them as they were stashed with my very stalled Seafire 47. One to go with your current thread Rob:
  2. One more to add to this. This is from Neko. It's a cartoon style solid resin model of the Beat.
  3. The finish on the exhausts looks amazing. Like they're actually metal.
  4. That looks great Rob. Looks very smooth. More importantly, it's dust free.
  5. I was at a friend's cottage and we were making burgers for dinner. We ended up not having enough buns. I remembered that we had leftover French toast from breakfast. So some of used them instead. They guys that did loved it.
  6. Nice! Can't wait to see your build.
  7. White undersides are done now. Once this dries I'll mask it off and start on the upper side.
  8. My TEAC CD player tray opens but then immediately closes. So you have to be quick in swapping out CDs. The Sony Minidisc player has a missing power button so it's just on all the time. At least there's nothing wrong with the Pioneer laserdisc player. Hope I haven't jinxed it.
  9. I got a coat of primer on just now. All the seams look good, I'm happy to report. A slight bit of touch-ups needed on one spot but that's it. I primed the float while I was at it. That will need a bit more prep work but I'm happy overall.
  10. This one has been slow to progress. The second try at painting the body ended up with more dust in the paint. Same with go #3 Finally, on my fourth kick at the can, I go something decent. Now hopefully I can make more progress.
  11. The painting has begun. Can't wait to see your magic on this.
  12. The extra details you're adding are really impressive. I wouldn't have thought that you're doing this without an airbrush.
  13. Sadly, I don't think I would even know the correct answer.
  14. If you want a second kit, BNA has it for 50% off for the next 24 hours. $133 CAD which is an absolute steal. https://www.bnamodelworld.com/military-vehicles-tanks-trumpeter-models-tr-00927-1:16-us-m1a2-sep-main-battle-tank-mbt
  15. Sounds about right but 9-10 hours is better.
  16. A couple stalled projects have made a guest appearance on the bench. Although technically they never left the bench and were just put to one side but I digress.
  17. Scott, I wish prime rib cost that much. But probably a good thing for my waist line and heart. Hmm, I have a Wustof boning knife and haven't had any issues with it. Odd yours isn't holding an edge. I also have several Japanese single edged kitchen knives and those are awesome. Super sharp blades and just great to use.
  18. The big thing with brisket is do it low and slow. I did ours at 200°f for 10 hours. I was going to do it on our Big Green Egg but the outside temp dropped to -15°C so I used the oven. Rubbed it with chili powder, brown sugar and salt. Equal quantities of each. Then dropped in on a roasting rack and left it. At the 6 hour mark, I wrapped it in butcher paper and let it finish cooking. That's all it took. Brisket is probably the most economical cut of beef for us at the moment. It was $105 for the 15 lb brisket which works out to $7/lb but that's Loonies. So $4-5 USD. I'd love a bone-in rib steak but those are around $25/lb. Prime rib is the same. If you want a comedic tragedy, for Christmas dinner with my folks we bought an 11lb Prime Rib and as it was so big I had to keep it in a cooler in the garage with ice packs. Sue put Jimmy in the garage a couple nights before when we had guests over. Guess what he found? Yup, ate almost the whole thing raw. Then started puking it up all over the house. I joked that maybe we should just pick up and wash the chunks and make a stew. I ended up scrambling around the next day to find a replacement. Most expensive Christmas dinner I've ever made.
  19. Our oldest wanted brisket for his birthday. So 10 hours later... 15 lbs of AAA beef.
  20. Nice fix on the turret basket. Definitely a silly mistake that should have been caught in QC.
  21. Looks great there John. Nice and smooth like Martin said .
  22. It definitely won't feel like it's at a NASCAR track now.
  23. The other wings are now on. These went on the same as the port side.
  24. Looks great John. Nice paint job as always. Just need a Fruitbat to go with it.
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