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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Scott, you were asking about the Barracuda nose, here's a quick comparison to the kit one. Ignore the fact that it's bisected. I'm going to drop an engine into mine which gets around the fit issue I have with my version.
  2. Thanks Peter. Looks like I'm going to just miss the cutoff. That's ok as I finally got this build off my bucket list. Here's more progress. Here's the nose section masked and painted. There's some touch-ups needed but those will wait until I've joined the two fuselage sections.
  3. Still plugging away. Missiles are painted. Gear has had Hasegawa Mirror Finish applied to the oleos. Fuselage is coming together as well. Forced perspective might be throwing the proportions off a bit.
  4. I paint the cockpit, then add the decals. Any weathering comes last. I haven't sealed them prior to weathering. This has worked on Quinta and Kits World 3D decals. I have some Red Fox and Eduard ones but haven't used them yet. Hope that helps. Carl
  5. Thanks Rob. I think it'll be close. We'll see how much I can get done over the next couple days.
  6. The ventral fins are painted. Thanks to Scott for the heads up on the decal issue. Made it easier to do them now reather than when attached to the fuselage. Speaking of the fuselage, I did a quick test fit together. I started work on the canopy. Masking the clear bits and slowly gluing the frame on. A coat of black.
  7. Stunning work on the ejection seat as well as the rest of the cockpit. I'd be completely frightened by the idea of repainting it after it's assembled.
  8. Lovely build Rob. A challenging build so the results are well worth it. Looking forward to the next one.
  9. Left side makes sense as the boarding ladder is on that side. I'll probably just mask and paint the walkways. They're just squares so shouldnt be too hard. * * Famous last words.
  10. I got a couple tools in the mail today. A pair of razor saws made by Galaxy. Stainless blades so hopefully a bit stronger than the ones I have now. The handles are rubber coated and being a bright red, it should make it easier to spot on my bench. I also got some masks for the Tamiya F-35A and the Takom Apache.
  11. The coat of paint looks great. I have to agree that the elfenbien is a bit on the yellow side.
  12. Very nice recovery Scott. The seams don't look that bad. My Lanc fuselage looks the same as I had to saw it apart to fix some of the fuselage windows.
  13. Thunder Models do very nice detailed kits. Sort of like Miniart so this should be really good
  14. Don't you mean a European swallow?
  15. In Phil's defence:
  16. Lovely looking Tempest there Kevin. The Whirlwind goes together really nicely. The nacelle bulkheads need a small trim to fit correctly but that's all I've found on my build.
  17. Nice recovery there Scott. That really is a great scene in the film while the Tomcats play with the Zeros. Just like how a real cat plays with their prey.
  18. Great build and paint job. I really need to do something similar with my sons. They like modelling but we haven't done one together. Might be a good summer project for us. Carl
  19. You're welcome Martin! I thought if they helped you out, they may help out someone else.
  20. When I was at Heritage earlier this year, Martin asked me to grab some pics of their C-47 for his project. Here they are in no special order.
  21. Thanks Martin. Honestly, the tank is mostly done. It just needs the hatches put on it and the main gun I think. Maybe some other small bits.
  22. You're beating it into submission. Glad those pics helped. Carl
  23. I forgot I have these pics from Oshkosh in 2019. They show the mounts and rails which would be the same as on the tiered setup. Here's the pigtail arming wires.
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