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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. I feel you pain there Scott. I'm trying to get the primer down on my Tomcat so it's at least opaque. At least yours looks like a Tomcat.
  2. I just received the Apache courtesy of @Peterpools. It's a big kit, rotor span notwithstanding. A quick look inside shows some very nice detail including lots of raised rivets.
  3. Definitely...unique looking. Being a CSM kit, it'll go together just fine though.
  4. Great progress on the Corsair. Will you be leaving the engine covers off?
  5. The light grey looks great. I think a straight white would have looked too stark.
  6. Ron, I'm looking forward to an update especially with the new bits that you've received. Carl
  7. The ZM wood grain stencils were made by RB Models. I've used one for a few years. You have to be careful it's doesn't snag on anything. If ZM doesn't have instructions for it, the RB ones recommend soaking it in thinner rather than scrubbing it to remove excess paint buildup. The biggest problem is it doesn't always fit where you want it to.
  8. Rob, thanks for sharing the 1ManArmy pic. I keep looking at them but like yourself, could never tell what's included. I wish they'd include a simple line diagram of what's in each set. Might get them some more sales. Carl
  9. We nearly lost our carpet monster over the weekend. Fursnake on Saturday snuck out the back door when our son was trying to get our other cat in. I was at my bench in the afternoon and found it odd that I didn't have my furry parts catcher. Our initial search didn't turn her up and Sue thought she was maybe hiding in the house. Turns out she had crossed the street and made sad faces at our neighbours. They brought her to their vet who couldn't find a microchip so she was brought to the local animal shelter. The neighbours then posted a thread to the neighbourhood Facebook group where someone we knew saw the posting and told us. After getting in touch with our neighbours, we found out what shelter they'd brought her to and picked her up Sunday morning. So Fur is home safe again and ready to shed on my bench and keep me company.
  10. Speaking of progress, I got the intakes painted and glued on. They needed a bit of persuasion to stay in place. I then started filling the seams between the fuselage and the intakes. At that point, I couldn't resist a mock-up of the fuselage.
  11. Great looking Kingfisher. Definitely not the usual paint scheme you see them in like Rob said.
  12. Thanks Peter. I feel like I'm finally making some progress.
  13. Gus, I'm using Tamiya X20A thinner for the Mr Aqueous Surfacer. It works well and is definitely less smelly than regular Mr Surfacer.
  14. Awesome display there Gary. It's extremely creative and a very eye catching and unique way to display your model.
  15. Nice pics. Any more of the ones in the green camo? I always find the single colour desert camo a bit boring.
  16. Thanks for sharing all the pics Martin. The Halberd instructions don't mention any colours for the cockpit so this information is extremely helpful.
  17. Great to hear that the resin bits fit properly without needed major surgery. And great looking engine too,
  18. I've been a happy customer of Roy's since his days with Cooper Details. Most of his products are straightforward to use and really add a nice bit of detail. I just got an email from him saying he's having a sale at the moment. I'll have to see what other new products he has Carl
  19. For me, stuff usually turns up after I've bought the replacement.
  20. I'd be up for that. Let me get through the Tomcat first.
  21. The Halberd conversion is more or less like subbing in different parts for the kit ones. Sorry for the distraction Peter. Back to your regularly scheduled build.
  22. To paraphrase The Princess Bride: I've got the Tomcat to finish, the Cavalier Mustang to procrastinate over and my Valkyrie to start. I'm completely swamped!
  23. Great work there Peter. I've yet to build a Tamiya Mustang even though I've owned several since they came out. In fact, I've only done one 1/32 Mustang and that was the Dragon one which I did as a fictional CHP one. I do have a Tamiya kit out at the moment but it's a donor for the Cavalier Mustang.
  24. Staying with 1/16 armour, my AFV Modeler order arrived today. I've got fenders coming from Hobbyeasy and that should be just about everything I plan to get for the build. Then it'll just be a question of when.
  25. Thanks Peter! I'm still working away at the kit. In fact, I'm actually making decent progress on it. I've started priming some of the parts using Mr Aqueous Surfacer. There's a few spots that will need touchup but not a surprise. The MLG bays are now assembled and installed.
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