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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Rob, really great job. I'm very interested in seeing you use the 1Man Army masks and how well they will work.
  2. What about polycarbonate or Lexan? Might be harder to find but I don't think it has the moisture absorption issue. You should see the detail that Tamiya gets from it when they vacform stuff.
  3. Mr Color is the bestest. I've got bottles of it that are at least 20 years old and they're still good to go.
  4. Peter, nice work on the Mustang. It was the last 1/32 kit Tamiya did that had the working parts on. They finally ditched all that stuff on the Mosquito and Corsair that followed. Great to hear Diane is better and back home. Carl
  5. Found them! Along with an HK Do335 pilot. Man, these guys are giants. The tiny guy on the right is a Tamiya P-51 pilot.
  6. If you want a really tall pilot, check out the ones included in the HK Mosquito. If I recall, one is tall enough to be a first round draft pick for the NBA.
  7. A different paint scheme than the more common USMC grey.
  8. I have those as well. They will really help with attaching the wing and landing gear.
  9. Time for another update. I got the new pair of wings painted. I then did the corrogard leading edges in silver. With those done, I assembled the wings onto the upper fuselage half. The wings are mounted on a metal plate and pivot on brass bushings. I then glued the upper and lower halves together. I added the intake vari ramps. The underside of the fuselage along the intake area needed some filler so that was done next. Now to let it dry.
  10. I've got the same chisels Rob. They are very handy to use. Wave also does them with a rounded blade.
  11. That's a nice kit Rob. I have one as well but have to figure out what making a I want to do it in as well. I'm thinking something with D-Day stripes.
  12. Those straps look great. A big step up from the moulded on ones.
  13. I would not want to get in a fight with that kangaroo...
  14. Amazing progress and workmanship. But not surprising.
  15. The camo looks great to me. Nice and sharp. I don't think these planes got too weathered since they weren't in service that long.
  16. I've got a couple pieces of mine glued together and you're already onto the second one! Nice work on the tail and props. As for displaying engines or closed up cowls, I can do both thanks to the kit basically not needing the engine or forward fuselage section.
  17. A 1/16 Universal carrier would still be small. A Churchill would be cool, especially an AVRE one. I would love a Firefly 1C with the hybrid hull myself in 1/16.
  18. Martin, what would you suggest for the second seat in the Turbo then? Cut down a spare kit seat or something AM?
  19. It's an A-4 and is up for preorder. https://www.zoukeimura.co.jp/en/products/sws21_fw190_a-4.html
  20. I just saw your post and the figures are indeed very nice. Might need some for my Tiger when I get to it.
  21. Nice set of figures. I've wondered how the quality of the SOL figures was. Can't wait to see you start painting them.
  22. I didn't know the RCN flew them so thanks for sharing.
  23. Nice progress John. Did you fill the wings in or leave the rivets there?
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