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Everything posted by KevinM

  1. OK guys no fussing about the pit this build was for fun and to teach a new painting technique once it hits the cabinet all reviews cease. Still got to plant the guns and rigging(sprue)
  2. She is looking good Rob and still more abuse to come.
  3. Awaiting the results!
  4. Thanks Mike I am doing a simple Dr1 to see if I want to dabble in bi-planes more in the future.
  5. I saw something interesting last night Rob up to you but some props almost looking grey on this video if you don't use it no bigee butit's a really good Naval archive just came out.
  6. My efforts so far.The oils do leave a grain the bottom wing tried laying the olive on with some thinner to help really did not much of anything?I will do the fuselage hopefully tomorrow and let her dry for the week I am Gainesville FL for the holidays.
  7. John I do not think I have ever had Alclad peel on me ? Markings looking good John.
  8. Mike I see a lot of depictions of tires in a grey color did that go across the board to all nationalities?
  9. I will agree on that esp.when doing some of the Trumpeter kits life got real easy/quicker on the P-51 once I axed the engine/gunbays
  10. Even with the challenges they sometimes present being Italian!! yes. That is a definite I thought K.Weeks had one of these in collection but it's a B-26 I watched these guys sound badass on a low flyby.
  11. Hmmnnn......I really like Revell of Germany who else out their has given us a 1/32 He-111,Ju-88,He219 and the Me-110?all while being only 50% or less the cost of Tamyia?Once they hit the cabinet Joe out there knows no difference between the manufactures of said kits.My 2C
  12. It's looking really good Peter luv the Quinta interior/belts it works well enough for me.I think your question is valid but just maybe it's to be instructional for us occasionally and the newbies coming in?just a thought.Peter just keep telling yourself your getting younger.
  13. So here's a color of Insignia Yellow / Zinc Chromate pretty close to the pics now I will use clear acrylic tomorrow and streak oils Olive,Lg.Blue and Grey together.
  14. Light primer strikes I have seen in videos Scott so not unexpected the feed a little it seems but that should/maybe a fairly easy fix.I bought the gun mainly to fill that hole in collection I would not otherwise be able to do.I shot off about 15rds as fast as the trigger would let without an issue into a berm 20yrds not aiming hit a piece of slender wood 1"X1"X10" a few times.I have already shorten the trigger pull to 1/4 of what it was for speed.Their's hope?
  15. Not this one ..wish..this is a GSG gun 9mm semi-auto the real ones 40K.I feel that the ramp for the feed needs more bevel and polishing like you would do to a handgun.It was the first time at the range today 50rds 2X failed loading and 2 light primers not a success story by any means could be the break-in also.
  16. I have the old 1/28 Revell Dr.1 primed about to lay the yellow tonight,clear and then on to some oils for the green streaking.The other bench is about to see some rifles get cleaned after today efforts at the range.I took out the M1 carbine,FN-49 Argentine Navy Contract(only 5000 made),Fr-8 and the Mp-40 which has some teething issues.
  17. it's been happening a bit with a few of us lately."Persian Rug"
  18. I could not really tell how about you blame it on the labor shortage?
  19. good to see you back.
  20. He heard that pellet sing right between ears and went arghh F..............
  21. I have done there Yak wheels wells seem to be a beotch in SH kits but this one looks simple by the trees.The rest of the fit of the Yak was good and 1/32 also.I got the Quinta's for the copit but wonder if even available for this one?I would give it a shot at $35 for a 1/32 if you don't grab let me know.
  22. Thanks Martin she looks the part.
  23. calling this done Fellas to many warts still pretty and a Stallion just need to get better,The finish was completed in MM semi-gloss.I was going to weather with some acrylics I just about F'ed the plane up had to use a 3000 grit pad to clean up.I was wondering how does alcohol mess with enamel? I am thinking 91% is just to strong?
  24. It's to sad Scott might need to merge mine in with John's.
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