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Everything posted by KevinM

  1. Tragedy strikes a B-17 and maybe a P-39 IMG_7410.mp4
  2. Coming along Nicely Mike another superb build in the works!
  3. Wow! Nice one Scott missed alot of finished work over here.
  4. One of my favorite jets from that era of the 50's she came out Sweet John really Nice!!
  5. Both of those are Saswweeet!! I esp. like the work on the 2 seater
  6. I am liking the interaction on this one alot
  7. Another one Dave?......Very well done!
  8. I like the effects Dave came out really Nice Sir!
  9. Scott she's a Beauty!!
  10. She's coming along Nicely John! starfighter saw/heard that in some kids sci-fi movie..........
  11. Thanks Fran it is a Stallion!! I agree with you but as modelers we all strive for that piece of perfection maybe the Mc-202 You wont get an argument out of me and she was as fast as a Mustang but their life was to little to late.
  12. I have a couple more pics and have reversed the fuselage decals with the axe blade UP.I could not get the wings decals to lift and feared messing up the paint better to let it be.The prop is just stuck on ATTM the 20mm cannons are bigger than what was supplied in the kit but match closer to what is in the wheel well.I have one LG with a hose just need to get after the other,
  13. Rob those wheel wells and painting look flawless!
  14. Thks Rob unfortunately and for other builders do not make the mistake I did with the faci's as I did.I did look to make sure the axe head always point outward but the blade goes up!I was able to lift those off the fuselage but the wings are stuck lesson learned for the Mc.202 to which the smoke rings have arrived. All builds for me except rare occasions has the "Persian Rug Effect"
  15. Decals for the pics and Veterans stuff came in for the Sharnhorst and the 1/350 Eugen.Smoke rings for the PCM 202.
  16. Thanks Gary!She continues to move forward decals going down they appear to be a little on the thick side give it overnight but the Walters may make a showing tomorrow.That Stallion look is starting to show.
  17. That came out very Nice Sasha the rivets give a certain look.
  18. Some more pics the white fuselage stripe tomorrow night.
  19. Gary Hannah is a rescue dog Sis got her for me out of Fl.I had her six months maybe and she blew out a rear knee and then a year later the other one was worse.I think in all I spent a little over 3K for both knees it was worth it.I figured God gave her to move for a reason and it was not to have her put down.I can say now when I see her run I can smile and say I did that and Thanks be to God for the opportunity.Oh I need to add about 1/2 years after that I had a windfall of 45K I did not even know about laid upon me it comes back. How is Kaiser no update?
  20. Thanks Gary.The color is a lot darker in the shop than what you see here I am about to spray the grey in minute been cooking all day Filet Mignon,bread,2X potatoes and fresh asparagus.The filet cut like butter.
  21. I hear ya Scott the Wife forever has little things she wants me to build but it makes no money in the real sense except I am not buying it.My Sis is paying me and I was kind of surprised that she likes it as much as she does for she does like the ole battered antique look.
  22. Gary I had that happen with my G-43 once and it was the that the case was cracked around the throat.
  23. Thanks John. I am getting that feeling she will be OK.
  24. I made up some Dk It.Olive from regular It.Olive pretty close to the chips.I started by spraying the the plane with black botches then lined them loosely and erratically.The next step was to fill in the grey areas with the green then to covering the black and an overall spray to my liking.The pics I have seen of the crates was of a spotty appearance for a quick build is dragging out some.
  25. Gary those rivets are looking frigg'in Nice Sir!!They make it look like you are looking at the real thing
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