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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by CANicoll

  1. Pete: Post it all, I'm interested in seeing what you are doing because its different. Welcome to the fun bunch!! Chris
  2. Phil, Your paint work is really top notch! Beautiful. I'm a big fan of Vallejo's metal paints including the Model Air you used. But the panel fitment on your bird is perfect - so smooth! I hear you on polishing out the mould line on a canopy. My first one I cracked the canopy literally a minute after I started. The other as I was nearly finished. Lots of bad words were uttered. You do realize, of course, that the topside of the fuselage and tail were blue? (Throws grenade, ducks down into a trench). Just kidding!! So much controversy of the colors. I've built two, one all green like yours, and the other blue and green. Don't even bother on what SHADE of blue.....
  3. Peter, as usual your build threads are full of useful information. Thanks so much for the paint call-outs! Super helpful. The cockpit looks stellar.
  4. That is one great upgrade! Nice work and wish I had known you could do that when I did my plane. I'd have hit you up for a set!!
  5. You can do it!! I have every confidence!
  6. Definitely coming along nicely! Nice work on the Camo and underside. Super job on the masks, too. Chris
  7. And always a pleasure to follow along with your builds. And Flexy 5K CA Black CA is something I will have to look up. Nice work!
  8. Peter, impressive detailing and washing display! BEAUTIFUL!!
  9. Ha ha ha!!! Thanks Scott. I was fortunate to be able to use the pen lathe that one of the guy's bought. I just picked up my own gouge and then all the pen bits and pieces and the wood blanks. But, yes, it is both a time and money sink. HUGE! Like - I could work on this cockpit, or I could do a pen. One or the other...
  10. It is very satisfying to see a piece of wood (or plastic or whatever) get turned into something like a pen. The wood is actually fairly dull, until the final finish (CA if you can believe it!) is applied, then its 'wow!'. Give it a whirl! Takes me about 2-3 hours start to finish. Chris
  11. Received a few things to help me get this project kicked off, and yet another example of the brain fading... Quick shipment from Ali at Aerocraft of his terrific clear resin canopies - top for the Revell 1/32 P-51D, and bottom for the F-4 for the GB. The polish up beautifully. And, this makes me sad. Ordered a full set of Quinta cockpit sets a while ago - took a while to arrive which was expected, but completely slipped my mind that I had ALSO purchased the set for the Tamiya F-4E. Now I have TWO sets I need to dispose of, or I imagine someone is going to suggest just buying a F-4E kit.... Chris
  12. Thank you, Martin. I didn't show the pen blanks I cracked, shattered or otherwise screwed up. But it is a fun hobby. Having some really smart and helpful people in the shop (like the guy who showed me how to make the pens) is a huge help. Chris
  13. We have a nice woodshop here where I live and a CNC machine. The box at the top I made for my mother's Christmas present two years ago. Made a serving tray for myself out of some extra cherry wood. One of the guys here showed me how to turn pens on a small lathe he has and that has been a lot of fun. I think I've made maybe 45 pens at this point.
  14. Martin, The paint looks awesome! Love the mottling effect. Nice work! Chris
  15. Phil, I have the same H&S airbrush, but for some reason I keep picking up my GREX, which has the pistol grip. I LOVE it. The control over paint and air is so much easier than with my trusty Iwata HP-C. I'm not practiced enough with the H&S to take advantage of its capabilities. Eventually will get there. I need to put the effort into learning it.
  16. Phil, Nice work! Looks smooth. Is that the kit canopy? Perfectly clear, wow. Chris
  17. Yeah, I think I missed on the right Quinta Set. Have to reorder.... Gotta stop ordering late at night...
  18. Well spent!!! Acrylic Asphalt?? Cool stuff.
  19. Getting ready for the Twin GB, this arrived today. $155 in a VERY small box. And it is not even measured in carats....
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