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Everything posted by JonathanReed

  1. Looking forward to watching this build. I think my wife has one of these under the tree. Not that I shook it or anything
  2. Nice work! Looks excellent! Cant wait to see this one finished
  3. Looks great!
  4. Man that looks awesome. I to love the subtle chipping effect. Very well done!
  5. Ok I haven't been able to do much, still getting a lot of supplies together. But I did start on a couple of things and wanted to share some of them. I received the Taurus Models Oberursel engine and may start working on it today...its all so tiny! I decided to try some scratch building and went with opening a couple of the doors in the cockpit I still have some fitting, sanding and thinning to do but its getting there. Also went ahead and tried my hand at the air pump. Have a couple of things redo to clean it up and make the lines more crisp and bring the caps into scale. Also build some "meat" into the handle and clean it up. I am very slow at building due to low confidence level and lack of supplies, but chugging along. Comments, good or bad are VERY welcome!
  6. Here we go again! I finished one model in the last five years (due to being away for three of those tho) and I am buying models, mainly WNW like there is no tomorrow! I guess if you keep pulling my arm i will get this one too...dang it!
  7. Thanks for the great information! It's priceless getting information such as this from the Pro modellers!
  8. Sweet! I was looking at my model this morning wondering how I could make this look more realistic and this makes it, well not easy, but at least a direction that I can practice! Thank you Sir!
  9. LOL Merry Christmas!
  10. Dont know if this is legal, but I will try any way.....DAM! Hopefully that doesnt get me kicked. Quote from Forrest Gump because I feel like he was when looking at this stuff and I quote: "That's about all i have to say about that!" LOL!
  11. Oh man! How much better can it be! Thank you HGW and Grant! just being in the GB was prize enough for me, this is just icing on the cake. Thank You!
  12. Yes Indeed! Lovely. Enjoyed following this build you have talent. Agreed your friend definitely did a good job on the base. Makes the bird really come to life!
  13. Lovely! Hope i don't scare you, but there is a ghost next to your plane...just saying. Nice work!
  14. Good luck fellas, looks like yall have yer hands full. Cant wait to see the finished work!
  15. Man we have some talented people in this forum! Great work. I'm glad I don't have a camera yet, cuz I'll myself embaras showing my stuff in here! I have a dumb question. The tail light, you extruded the plastic in the hole of the punch set. Did you have the candle under the tool and let the plastic drip down into the hole? Thank you!
  16. Great subject and beautifully done! What is the grass made of, love the effect it has?
  17. I know I'm late on all of my post...just trying to catch up What method and paint of weathering material did you use for the exhaust stains on the fuse? Thank you! BEAUTIFUL WORK!
  18. Very Nice Dave! Out of curiosity how do you get a gig like that with a publication? ot saying I have a chance just some education for me.
  19. Great work Jeroen! Truly an artist!
  20. Hope you have a nice day! May all your wishes come true!
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