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She’s actually not experiencing any pain as long as she doesn’t put pressure on it.  Kind of odd.  I think she’s enjoying me being her servant a little too much though! 
But we’re still not cleared on the no surgery.  We go back next Wednesday to get another healing progress X Ray and then we’ll know.  

Im playing in “my space” downstairs right now while she’s binging HGTV to come up with new ideas for me. 

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  On 2/7/2024 at 7:25 PM, Winnie said:

We'll I stand in solidarity with you in this trying time... We'll make sure not to send you any packages... no sir, nothing...


Thank you brother!  
Then again, right now I can run from her and I don’t think she would kill her caretaker, cook, housekeeper, driver and all around whippin’ boy.  

  • Haha 7
  On 2/7/2024 at 8:52 PM, ScottsGT said:

Thank you brother!  
Then again, right now I can run from her and I don’t think she would kill her caretaker, cook, housekeeper, driver and all around whippin’ boy.  


Or she could be waiting patiently bidding her time for the right moment....

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Funny story….my wife cannot sit still.  Constantly moving.  On the treadmill, walking outside or running. She use to run 5, 10K’s and a few marathons.  Everyone that knows her knows this. She’s like the Energizer Bunny.
Her coworkers were asking her how were you going to survive not moving and OMG! How is Scott going to survive with you at home??!!  

Today has been her first day without the distraction of grand kids. Yea, we I kept them yesterday since their daycare was closed. 
She ordered a knee scooter off Amazon before she left Colorado.  I put it together for her yesterday.  She now reminds me of one of the grands riding around the house on a new toy on Christmas Day.  

  • Like 7
  On 2/8/2024 at 3:13 AM, ScottsGT said:

She ordered a knee scooter off Amazon before she left Colorado.  I put it together for her yesterday.  She now reminds me of one of the grands riding around the house on a new toy on Christmas Day.  


You missed your chance at getting an Armortek tank kit!!! That would have been perfect for her to get around on. 

  • Haha 8
  On 2/8/2024 at 2:23 PM, TonyWills said:

Being married for 30 years and having all my kits and stuff delivered to a local secure locker is not a coincidence...


I'm guessing you don't have shared finances. I can have McDonalds for lunch and put it on the Visa and my wife knows about it before I get home.

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  On 2/8/2024 at 7:19 PM, intheway said:

I'm guessing you don't have shared finances. I can have McDonalds for lunch and put it on the Visa and my wife knows about it before I get home.


There are tricks……

cash back on grocery or store runs is the easiest.  Just a small bit at a time.  Sell your plasma is another.  
Then there is also being the neighborhood jiggalo in a retirement community.  Thankfully it hasn’t gotten that bad yet. But the positive side is they might just let you have your new kits shipped to their place. Then smuggle them into the house at your convenience under the cover of darkness or when she’s at the hair dresser. 

  • Haha 7
  On 2/9/2024 at 12:47 AM, ScottsGT said:

There are tricks……

cash back on grocery or store runs is the easiest.  Just a small bit at a time.  Sell your plasma is another.  
Then there is also being the neighborhood jiggalo in a retirement community.  Thankfully it hasn’t gotten that bad yet. But the positive side is they might just let you have your new kits shipped to their place. Then smuggle them into the house at your convenience under the cover of darkness or when she’s at the hair dresser. 


Clearly you've given this much thought, now......clear your browser history ....😀

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  On 2/6/2024 at 11:36 PM, Clunkmeister said:

On Christmas Day, 1985 I did exactly the same thing.    Was at the Zermatt resort for a week over Christmas and did me a freeze frame skip job down one of the one of straight sections.  Face first.  Freaking HURT. But Blessings, they were my OWN boots and bindings, which I had purchased at the PX so I had them dialed in pretty good, and both bindings released and the skis flipped off the moment my lips touched down. 

The old face looked like 40 miles of bad road.   It's better to crash at speed than the low speed wipe out. Usually it's better for one's lower legs. 

I Hope she recovers quickly. I've seen some nasty green stick fractures from skiing accidents.

I'm actually surprised her ankle let go.  With properly fitted boots, her ankle should have been fine, but her lower leg and possibly her knee might have been worse off.  If renting, always go a bit light on the settings, and adjust the weight settings accordingly.  I'd rather lose a ski and wipe out than wipe out and not lose my skiis.


Trying to get over the picture of you skiing Ernie wow

Scott I'm sorry for both of your predicaments for foot and you for not getting packages hope you recovers soon and both of you get on with your lives. hare

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Just a follow up after this morning Dr. Appointment.  They removed the cast for current X-rays.  The break is healing well, but because she was boarder line going into surgery, he made her go back into a hard cast for another two weeks. 
She hated it when I just told her at least she’s getting her moneys worth out of her knee scooter we bought. 

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  • 1 month later...

Martin, leg is healing up great.  Unfortunately other very serious health issues have cropped up. Not quite ready to discuss it yet. 

  • Sad 7

Sorry guys, I cannot in clear conscience drop a bomb like that and walk away. But I’ll keep it short because we’re in the discovery phase and lining up appointments and meetings and testing.  But Mary was diagnosed with breast cancer on Tuesday of this week.  
It’s tearing me apart right now just typing this out.  Mainly because we don’t know if it was caught early since her last mammogram was 2.5 years ago.  
We’re trying to live a normal life until the work starts, which will be real soon.  She has a wonderful support staff at work at the hospital she works for.  Her surgeon knows her from working side by side and he has taken charge and running the show coordinating everything like a wedding planner would at a wedding.  
She knows the cancer type, I cannot remember details like that, but it is a common breast cancer. Golf ball size lump up high. 

I’ll update throughout the process. 

  • Sad 10
  • ScottsGT changed the title to Now the wife is up to….Now a cancer thread.

Scott, just read this. Damn. Sorry to hear that. I'm glad they at least found it. 

My mom had breast cancer. That was almost 20 years ago. She's been in remission since her treatment. 

All our best wishes to you both. 


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I'm so sorry Scott , cancer is a terrible diagnosis , but my hope is that they will be able to give her the best care now discovered.

Like Carl we have friends who have had breast cancer and are healthy and happy 15 and 20 years later. Prognosis and treatment these days is very positive, way beyond where medicine was even a few years ago . 

All my thoughts and best wishes with you guys at this time . 

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Oh Damn It !!! Always some bloody thing, very sorry to hear this news Scott, but as PW says and I'm sure you know, treatments have moved ahead by leaps and bounds.... wishing you both all the best and the most positive outcome, you're in my thoughts and prayers..


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All the best to you and Mary, Scott. It sounds flippant but it is one of the best cancers to have nowadays.

As others have said my mum had breast cancer 40 years ago and is fit, healthy and about to turn 84 in a weeks time. That's also the reason I've spent 30+ years as an imaging physicist mainly doing cancer work.

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