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A couple of arrivals this week ...


I've wanted to add this one to the stash for a long time ... When I came round to get one GMF weren't producing them any more ... I tracked one down in Canada to buy ... 3 months to get here - by boat!! (seriously a WTF moment - who does that any more?????) ... still, the prize was worth the wait in the end.




Another I've wanted for a while ... an RAF Mustang biggrin.png




More to come ... later


Rog smile.png

  • Like 2
  • 2 weeks later...


109 small bulges wing roots, 262 wheels, prop jig for 109 props and the 109 "how to build..." book.

Maybe the book is a bit late after already building a G-10 and a G-14 (from a G-6 early/late kit) and many new aftermarket things came after the book, but still...I have more to build and it's a great book. I'm sure there's still a lot I have to learn about this kit.



  • Like 2

Soooo ... 


To the latest gear! ...


With the decent write ups on Fly's new(ish) Arado 234's ... I thought I'd grab one ... couldn't make up my mind which one though, so I grabbed both!! biggrin.png






Always looking for extra AFVs and figures to fill out the LSD's (Large Scale Dioramas) ... I decided to grab some more gear while the Dragon discount was on ...


This time the focus was on the "Kursk" setting, so ... A Pz.III Ausf.M ... actually theres a photo of three of them winding their way up an inclined road that I'm going to create the dio' around - so I'll need another two at some point!




A Pz.IV of the same setting ...




The main mobile anti-tank platform being created at that point in the conflict was the adapted (High velocity weaponed) StuG ...




Dragon Tigers are pretty popular ... and I needed an Early variant for the Kursk project (Panther and Tiger being the main debuts at Kursk) ... so I grabbed this one ... will need some 1/35 decals to suit the duo setting though  unsure.png ...




While it was going cheap(er) ... I decided to grab a mid production ... I have a Late variant already ... It'll probably come in use for my winter setting (post Kursk) later on.




I saw the write ups on this kit a while back ... I was given the thumbs up ... and I wanted to add this brilliant adaption of the Pz.38(t) chassis - It wasn't nicknamed "Troublemaker" for nothing!!




Finally ... you can never have enough figures ... especially AFV crews - finding those with pose-ability for Panzer Mk.III's or IV's is not the easiest ... so when I spot them - I grab them!




... Theres more on the way ... and many thanks to Bill Cross for some shared knowledge and an exchange of some emails in making those particular choices (when they arrive!!) - But more on those later!!


Rog smile.png

  • Like 1

I got AMS. Could not get arsed to do any work on the Spitfire IX intended for the group build. Only temporarily lapse of reason.

Just waiting for the right kit or project to bubble up I think. Must be something obscure as opposed to the Spit.




The stock/stash focus has shifted to earlier Panzer variants ...


So ... thanks to an American supplier with a large stockpile ...


This first kit was bought because it still uses Magic Track instead of single piece stuff. Not worried about the marking options as it will be used for other ...




and this one was bought for the same reason ... although there are a couple of extra marking options I can use wink.png




Just before I placed the order (for a couple more AFV's also), the supplier launched a "special" on Master Box and MiniArt kits ... Awesome! - I always need new figures biggrin.png








This last set - the poses aren't fantastic ... BUT they are in tropical gear ... Fallschirm helmets are, thankfully, separate ... so they don't have to end up as paratroops in Italy.




... And finally ... while I was looking up figure sets, I accidentally came across this set ... glad I did! It was the last one in stock and reflects the sort of look that Panzers in Africa are likely to have.




A fair bit more next time biggrin.png


Rog smile.png

  • Like 2

I just got in a boatload of toys for the 1/32 HKM B-17 and 1/32 Trumpeter P-47


Mostly PE and resin sets from Eduard, but also a few decal goodies, turned blast tubes and metal undercarriage for the P-47 and a set of bomber crew-members (based on the Memphis Belle) 




Now, all I need to do is finish the Picket Boat, Camel and Signifer 1/48 Goose so I can start on these guys!  B)

  • Like 3

Just received the Lodela Beaufighter. Ancient Revell kit with some low quality vacform parts, good vacform canopies and some early Eduard etch.

Will be used as spares for the Beau to finish and the Hampden.



A visit to the Aalsmeer shop will always blast a hole in your wallet :unsure:



The HpH 410 plan made place for the more humble Fokker D.XXI. Probably a better resin starter kit...and being Dutch it's of course a must have.


And some more goodies :D



  • Like 5
Guest DannyVM

m0152.gif  last saturday ordered at Hannants, and today delivered by the postman




And look's what's on the bottom of the box......




Again, i have enough work to do for this year.hmmm.gif









  • 2 weeks later...

Ok ... Time for another update ...


Again ... a BIG thank you to Bill Cross for assisting me with kit selection ... 


Returning to my thoughts for "Tobruk 1941" ... I need a couple of good Pz.III and IV variants ... I have the III's covered now ... so it was onto the IV's.


Firstly though ... the second "Vorpanzer" kit arrived ... dunno whether this will make an appearance in the Tobruk dio or something like a "Barbarossa" dio ...




Also ... these 250's were going at 50% off so I grabbed a couple - pluses are the Magic Tracks and the figurines!! ... Again I dunno whether these will be seen in Tobruk or not, but I'll alway need a few 'supplementary' vehicles and figurines.




This is Dragons latest tooling of the Pz.IV Ausf.D ... and it's a DAK version!! ... with lots of marking options, the only negative for me is the DS tracks ... so I'll either have a crack at using them and see how they go ... or I'll use some Magic Tracks from another Pz.IV kit.




Personally, I'm still sceptical of the whole "rubber band" idea ... but there are those that say DS is way better than the old school one-piece and you can't really tell the difference with individual links - we shall see!


I ordered 2 of these kits from an online shop over east - but it turns out he only had the one in stock ... so I'll be grubbing around for another ... an older release (still good) of the Pz.IV Ausf.D ... with Magic Track and a few kit extras like a turned aluminium barrel.




During my discussions with Bill (mainly revolving around which variants of Panzers we most prevalent at Tobruk during the 1941 siege) ... I decided, at some point, to do a second Tobruk dio - "Tobruk 1942 - the sequel" as I wanted to display the "up-gunned" Panzers that the British named "Specials" and found to be so lethal ... so with that in mind ...




Ok ... so ... for the moment, I think I'm sufficiently "DAK-Ready" ... Time to have a look at the Eastern Campaign again ...


It came as a surprise to me that the Pz.38(t) was used in extensively in Barbarossa ... I don't know why!! - It seems quite logical that, since so many were produced it would be inevitable.




Also ... to add to either the "late" campaign or "Kursk" I grabbed a Rhino ... one of the Cyber Hobby jobs ... again because of Magic Track as opposed to the newer released DS track version.




For something a little different ... and a dio conversation piece ... an up-gunned Pz.IV Ausf.D




And finally ... some LSP content, lol biggrin.png ... I was flicking through the webstore of one of my suppliers ... and this kit was heavily discounted ... usually going for about $260-280 AUD in the local stores if available and about $250 AUD (translated) if ordered from the USA or UK ... I scored this for a lot less - shipping included from a local supplier ... not my usual subject, I did a little bit of research on both the kit and the aircraft and concluded that, if I can get some ETO markings it would make a great comparison display against the ZM He.219 and other night fighters ... now if someone will kindly make a Havoc?!?! smile.png




Rog smile.png

  • Like 1

A-20 has alway been my favorite medium bomber. I sure you want it for the P-70 possibilities? ;) 


P-70 was the US designation, yes?? :)


If thats the case ... no ... I want to build an RAF night fighter version ... but - in agreement with you on liking the aircraft :D ... sturdy and practical in either bomber or FB variant ... and I always like a turret on an aircraft ;)


Rog :)


P-70 was the designation for the night fighter version.


Yes ... but specifically for USAAC ... P-70 and P-70A's were only used in PTO ...


Since I'm doing ETO, I don't want a P-70 designation


Just a Havoc :D


Rog :)


beware that new DAK Pz IV kit Rog


- all the markings require early style drive sprockets which are not supplied (they are quite different)

- the wheels are the wider sort for Ausf.E onwards, incorrect for Ausf.D; whether this is noticeable is debatable

- I believe there are only two choices for *correct* aftermarket tracks, one by Modelkasten, and one by SpadeAce (I am using the latter); problem is track pins - no-one makes them so i will not be building another one of these until MasterClub enter the game 

- the kit is a bit of a beast to fot properly

- the instructions are utter pants


sorry if i have mentioned this before


can you sense my frustration?!



  • Like 1

beware that new DAK Pz IV kit Rog


- all the markings require early style drive sprockets which are not supplied (they are quite different)

- the wheels are the wider sort for Ausf.E onwards, incorrect for Ausf.D; whether this is noticeable is debatable

- I believe there are only two choices for *correct* aftermarket tracks, one by Modelkasten, and one by SpadeAce (I am using the latter); problem is track pins - no-one makes them so i will not be building another one of these until MasterClub enter the game 

- the kit is a bit of a beast to fot properly

- the instructions are utter pants


sorry if i have mentioned this before


can you sense my frustration?!




Lol Nick :D ... yes, I understand that frustration very well ... *sigh!* ...


But while the 1/35 Tamiya gear is ok ... and the instructions are easy to follow ... Dragon has become my kit of choice for LSA ... Hence the recent acquisition of Dragon gear.


Now ... funny you should mention the DAK Pz.IV ... As always, I hunt around for reviews online for the various kit numbers I'm pondering ... The Scalemates database is actually quite good for this sort of thing as you can often find links to 3 or 4 reviews on the one page!


I've read the banter on inaccuracies ... but then Bill offered me a couple of links also - to discussions held by the Panzer experts ... and VERY interesting reading they were too!!


The evidence shown (via photographs mainly) is actually, when you think about it, quite typical of teutonic efficiency!! ... But the general theory is

E.G. - Pz.IV Ausf.E's are being delivered to Africa - and arriving along with a myriad of spare parts ... including tracks, road wheels, return rollers, idlers, and drive sprockets. Some of these tanks are written off in battle ... but yet some older Pz.IV Ausf.D's that are still kicking are in desperate need of parts replacement. This issue is inflated due to supplies from Europe being hit and miss (mainly miss) because the Royal Navy and aircraft are smashing supply convoys.


The result ... a 'D' is retrofitted with parts from an 'E' ... you'd be amazed at the stuff that was interchanged ... whole turrets, cupolas, whole drive systems (tracks, the lot! switching from 380mm to 400mm in the process), guns, mantlets etc ... it is seriously hard to recognise the difference between DAK D, E or F(1) variant because of this stuff ... in fact the only way to tell most times was by using serial numbers or markings ... and even then you have tanks changing units!! ... That's one of the reasons I needed Bill's help - I was getting so muddled!!


Believe me ... A 'D' variant could well have 'E' drive sprockets (and tracks) in Africa an it wouldn't be out of place in the slightest!! ... Dragon were either very shrewd when putting this kit together or they side-stepped a land mine ... either way, I'm sure they'll take the result and run!


Rog :)


hey Rog


yes i am very familiar with the mix and match once operations started :)


i did quite a lot of research trying to pin down various Pz IV Ausf D options prior to my project, which is why i can tell you the markings in the box for the 3 digit coded tanks all require early drive sprockets


God, even 414 on the box art - possibly the most photographed IV D ever in combat - they got wrong! it clearly has early sprockets


you do get both sorts of road wheels which is cool though


I used a Tristar suspension set to get the early sprockets (but fitting them to DML is a bit of a pain), but I think they may be available in earlier / cyberhobby versions too perhaps?


the reviews....for this kit were pretty pants to be honest

none of them mentioned any of the stuff i have spoken about

i mark reviewers harshly because i used to do it myself :)


hey Rog


yes i am very familiar with the mix and match once operations started :)


i did quite a lot of research trying to pin down various Pz IV Ausf D options prior to my project, which is why i can tell you the markings in the box for the 3 digit coded tanks all require early drive sprockets


God, even 414 on the box art - possibly the most photographed IV D ever in combat - they got wrong! it clearly has early sprockets


you do get both sorts of road wheels which is cool though


I used a Tristar suspension set to get the early sprockets (but fitting them to DML is a bit of a pain), but I think they may be available in earlier / cyberhobby versions too perhaps?


the reviews....for this kit were pretty pants to be honest

none of them mentioned any of the stuff i have spoken about

i mark reviewers harshly because i used to do it myself :)


Nice work with the research Nick :) ...


I bought this edition of the 'D' because of the markings in the kit ... I also bought the earlier 'D' release (6265) because of the Magic Track ... no-one has said I have to use the markings from one kit with that particular kit ... soooooo ... you get the idea!!


Like I said - I may actually still build the kit ... but I'm skeptical - mostly because of the DS tracks ... I still have no idea how many Pz.IV's I'll use in my DAK settings - and maybe I can find markings that I can use for a 'Franken-IV'?


Funny ... the reviews and/or associated comments I've read for this kit mentioned the inconsistencies you've listed - which was the reason I was satisfied with the purchase, knowing what was amiss. At least there is no glaring shape issues ... 


So otherwise ... I'm satisfied with what I've been handed.


Rog :)

  • 3 weeks later...


I went a little bit nuts yesterday after looking for some bits and bobs on Hannants.

Before I know it I'd ordered this lot...  A few Ive been thinking of for a while, the rest a whim really.

Will try to post a few reviews as soon as I can.

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