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Well ... Telford was obviously wonderful ... I stayed up much of the night (Other side of the world and all that) - watching reports come in on multiple forums (among other activities at home) ... HKM never cease to amaze me with what they are capable of in such a short history ...


So ...


We have a DH Mosquito Bomber strutting her stuff down the catwalk ... release date not too far off I would imagine.

We have a Lancaster Bomber in mock up mode - ready for some final tweaks before entering production.

A B17F that is somewhere not too far off also, I would Imagine.

The FB Mosquito should be following shortly after the Bomber ...


But what next?? ... certainly with all of these releases slated for 2015, this company is gathering some heavy momentum.


One Telford visitor to the HKM stand has declared that a Vickers Wellington was given a distinct mention amongst a variety of subjects, by Neil ... and if the subject is seriously under consideration, will definitely be a must have kit for me!! - a Mk.III with four gunned tail end charlie for me Please :) ... Apparently the Halifax might be a future possibility also - but given it's widely known (to those that are close to the company) that HKM are reluctant to proceed further down the "Four Engined Heavy" road in the foreseeable future - this could have been a specific "leading" type question ... the answer purely designed not to 'dash' anyones hopes.


Well ... what next? ... by all accounts, the company must be in expansion mode ... having gone from producing 1 quality kit in 2 years+ (the B25 Bomber) to a couple of kits each year ... and at least 4 (known) about to be released in 2015. Although nothing is official - I find myself dreaming of the possibility of a nice Wellington ... and others


HKM - Dare to dream?!


Rog :)

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I was lucky enough to meet the 'main man' at Telford and was impressed by his 'can do' attitude, even when I pressed him to produce a British Phantom!! He didn't instantly dismiss it but he didn't go so far as to say will do!

My money is on a single engined fighter, hopefully British and hopefully a late mark of Hurricane - let's give the man time and wait and see.


Steve S.


Well if we are daring to dream then a Westland Whirlwind (WW2 Fighter not the helicopter) is on the cards !





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The estimates are that the mossie will be released in january 2015 and the Lanc around august 2015. But only if HKM is 100% sure the kit is accurate. 

Well.... that is if you can ever be 100% sure of course. 

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  On 11/11/2014 at 2:33 PM, Cees B said:


You are not easily satisfied are you?



lol ... Cees ... Lets just say that I'm not dissatisfied ... just interested :)


Rog :)


It sounds to me Rog,that although you are not exactly disgruntled,neither are you actually "gruntled".

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Neil was a really nice guy and took all of the ideas really well from everyone that gave it.

Me, I cant wait for the Mosquito Fighter.  The bomber was gorgeous in the flesh but I love a bunch of guns in the nose ;)

After that, well the Lancaster may be too big, that said if there is a Dambusters one I wont be able to resist ;)


  On 11/11/2014 at 11:19 PM, GUY5Y said:

It sounds to me Rog,that although you are not exactly disgruntled,neither are you actually "gruntled".

Mmmmmm perhaps this post has come across the wrong way ... I'm not in the least disgruntled or dissatisfied lol :D ... Rather, I'm pleasantly surprised, impressed and the general mood would best be described as speculative and hopeful ... Genuinely interested in what's next!! :)


Rog :)

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If we can dream, why not a Savoia Marchetti SM 79 in 1:32.... my favourite 3 engines plane! ;)


Or a Piaggio 108 :D :D

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  On 11/12/2014 at 1:34 AM, GUY5Y said:

I was only "joshing" you rog.

I figured ... But along with Cees' comment ... You never know - it might have been looking like I was having a winge!!

All good!!


Rog :)

  • 3 weeks later...

I would also love to see an S.M. 79, although a few single engine Italian fighters would be nice as well. As would a P-38, and B-26, and....... :lol:

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  On 12/4/2014 at 8:14 PM, lawman56 said:

I would also love to see an S.M. 79, although a few single engine Italian fighters would be nice as well. As would a P-38, and B-26, and....... :lol:


Yes, me too!  An SM 79 would be the shizzle!

  • 2 weeks later...

My dreams are He-177, A-20 Havoc, B-26 Marauder or any japanese twin engine or torpedo bomber... :rolleyes:  Any french or italian planes will be interesting too.  They did the Meteor Mk.IV, the F.8 will be very welcome too.  


Anyway, there are many options, all are welcome!

  • 3 weeks later...

F2H-2 Banshee. Heard Kitty Hawk is planning one in 48th. But Kitty Hawk and Kinetic have gone the way of Trumpeter as far as future release announcements are concerned. Announce a gaggle of releases then release just a few of those. Been hearing a release of the Canadian Banshee for a couple of years now.


to continue with the British twins would be excellent.

Bristol Beaufort Mk.VIII (yes being specific here, but hey)

Bristol Beaufighter Mk.VI or MK.21

Bristol Blenheim Mk I or Mk.IV

Westland Whirlwind I

Vickers Wellington Mk.II

and would also love to see the:

B-26 Marauder


Intressting thread,


I hope for a Do-217 and or a He-126.. Maybee a P-38/F-5..That's something!


All the best



  • 2 weeks later...

Id love an A20/Boston/DB7. It'd be nice to see some more medium sized aircraft that would really benefit being in a large scale. Bristol Brigand, Lockheed Hudson, Avro Anson, Fairley Gannet?  Ideally anything I can put roundels on!

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