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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Are you a LSM member? Then show us your work!


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Hello to all LSM-Lurkers!




Recently i had a conversation with an LSM member who I had never met. Nevertheless he told me he tuned into LSM every morning, hoping to see some good updates in the 'Work-in-progress' section. I then asked him why he didn't post some of his own work.


His answer was in line with the often heard reason's I hear:


• I haven't had bench-time in a year (or so)

• My skills aren't up-to-par with the builds I see on this forum

• What have I got to offer?

• Posting pics is a hassle

• or I already post my own work somewhere else.


Perhaps every reason above is a good reason on itself, but I know I would LOVE to see more lurkers post their builds, opinions, questions, finished work, research, etc...



So: if you are a member, dive in! We've all started modeling at some point, and we're also here to help!









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got to say its a bit quiet round here lately.


Yes and no.


It is true that there is not a lot of activity on in the modeling discussion and work in progress at the moment (perhaps due to holidays etc) but we DO have a lot of viewers, visitors and a steady new member count.


Hence this topic.

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Guilty of lurking as charged. I've had a relatively prolific (for me) kit-building year so far. I'm on my fourth kit (a Hobbyboss Me-262 "Pulkzerstorer"). I haven't posted much due to the overall "suckiness" of my cell-phone camera efforts, but as I'm pretty proud of my work so far this year (especially the ICM Do-215 I just completed) I would like to show off at least what I've been working on in 2016. I have had a bit better luck with the use of some white poster board as a backdrop and some workshop lighting manipulation  so I'll post some pics later tonight.





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Guilty of lurking as charged. I've had a relatively prolific (for me) kit-building year so far. I'm on my fourth kit (a Hobbyboss Me-262 "Pulkzerstorer"). I haven't posted much due to the overall "suckiness" of my cell-phone camera efforts, but as I'm pretty proud of my work so far this year (especially the ICM Do-215 I just completed) I would like to show off at least what I've been working on in 2016. I have had a bit better luck with the use of some white poster board as a backdrop and some workshop lighting manipulation  so I'll post some pics later tonight.






Wow Ed!

My topic was worth posting just by seeing your builds alone!

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Personally I'm not posting as I| run a tourism related business. By the time the day is out I'm not into model building.

Summer isnt really 'modelling season' is it?



Well that's a valid point! Holiday season x busy work schedule = zero bench time.

This topic is mainly aimed at the hundreds of members that (as far as i can see) are a member, visit regularly and for some reason refrain from posting

and trying to motivate them to do so.

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So if it is revealed that I worked, then I show you my latest work. It is a work made for a friend. Luckily, this work was published in a magazine.












As a matter of fact i got this magazine today and all I can say is: your friend is one hell of a lucky guy to have friends like you!!

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Excellent topic.  I too have been guilty of lurking and not posting.  My main reason has been that my last major build didn't quite come out as nice as I had hoped.  Also, this summer has been extremely busy and free time has been in short supply.  However, once my busy period at work ends in a couple of weeks, I plan to dive right back into it and try to contribute more to this forum, which I think is one of the best around.


Thanks for putting a fire under my rear.




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Hi Wayne,

I think we all have that feeling after having finished a model. I also tend to think the next should be better, and it usually is. We are our worst critics you know.

It's the fun that counts.


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Oh God big J,... I'll put up my arm and hang my head in shame...my Special Hobby MS.406 bit the dust big time. It started out okay, then I tried painting the thing with a paint brush prior to buying my air brushes.

I tried to rescue the model but it was too late. I have been thinking about buying another .406 to complete the project for my in progress build...I'll get right on it! I will say in my defense though (weak as it is)

Photobucket can be a hard and somewhat tempestuous mistress at the best of times...

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I agree with Jeroen I have been lurking a lot, so also guilty as charged. But the problem with me is that i start all sorts of projects, get bored ore  lose interest, en then get started on the next project without showing my work to you guys. Here are some examples of what i have been working on but not yet have published.



Me 109 G6









Still not finished yet, i will promise to post a work in progress on this one,

Also working on another Typhoon, but trying to super detail this one, waiting for the cardoor version to arrive.....


Wiring harness replaced by braided hose and made fasteners from lead strip 



Ordered spark plugs and ignition leads and am busy trying to fit them on the Napier Sabre engine

Also have a Hurricane mkIIC as a work in progress, but haven't worked on that one for a while

So there is a lot going on and i promise to put them al in the work in progress tab.





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I agree with Jeroen I have been lurking a lot, so also guilty as charged. But the problem with me is that i start all sorts of projects, get bored ore  lose interest, en then get started on the next project without showing my work to you guys. Here are some examples of what i have been working on but not yet have published.



Hi Frank,

we all get distracted and the build section is littered with unfinished builds.

The lovely part is that when you share your build, and people hand you information, you might just keep the juices flowing enough to see a build through!

Cool Napier! Cees knows a thing or two on those ;)


Thnx for your reply.

Stay tuned: the forum will soon undergo a massive transformation!

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Well like some of the rest of you have I've had little to no time for models, c'est la vie! 


Just a note on "not being good enough".  It's the journey not the destination!  My early efforts were God-awful garbage.  I got zero comments on the stuff I initially posted at ARC other than a few pity comments.  I used that as motivation to get better.  Additionally I've picked up some great tips from absolute beginners, we all tackle things differently and sometimes someone new to the hobby brings a fresh perspective, so just post it!

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