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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Würger Party!

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wish I could join the party but I have two new builds to do plus finishing my SBD for the upcoming Mosquitocon this April.

I've given myself a headache night after night completely changing what I hope to build and I'm committed to it.

Next GB with a a bit more time and I'll be jining up.

Peter :(

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Same here I think I have too many projects on the go already and a show in a weeks time! 

So far I have, 

A tempest


Stug iii 

And sea fury on the go no room for a wúrger although if a different scale you never know because I enjoyed this one 


If it's still going I may join in with a hasegawa Dora with aries pit. 

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23 hours ago, Grunhertz said:



If it's still going I may join in with a hasegawa Dora with aries pit. 

Is that the Eduard 1/48th?

If this effort anything to go by, I'll be looking forward if you do get to doing the Hasegawa / Aires combo.

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29 minutes ago, Wumm said:

Is that the Eduard 1/48th?

If this effort anything to go by, I'll be looking forward if you do get to doing the Hasegawa / Aires combo.

Yeah it's the eduard a4 with brassin engine, guns and cockpit. I've just got to get something finished 

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5 hours ago, Wumm said:

A couple of great builds there Ernie. Did you have any fit issues with the Zoukei?

The Zoukei was a great build, but I struggled in three areas.

1. Engine to fuselage to supports inside the wing attach and landing gear area.   I bought this kit used and it had been partially glued together, no paint, nothing. Most was out of order, etc.   The engine ended up sitting at a slight down angle, which wasn’t good.  This angle must be perfect!!!   I didn’t know this till later.    (See problem #2)

2. Nose bowl, cowl panels and small louvered square vent panel right behind the nose bowl, dead center top of nose.  The entire multi piece cowl jigsaws together, no muss no fuss.    But mine didn’t.  The cowl panels assembled well enough, and the nose bowl assembled well enough, but that little square louvered piece to dead center is a bear.  

Many award winning Zoukei 152H builds get this wrong.  That little panel must be installed so it’s straight in line with the cowl and nose bowl. Many great builds have this piece sloping down to meet the nose bowl. This is WRONG! It must be smoothly in line with and parallel to the cowl behind it. No slight jog downhill to meet the nosebowl.   If your engine is angled correctly, it’ll drop in perfectly. If the engine isn’t, you’ll have a slightly off cowl which will spoil the look of the entire model.  

Take the time to mock up the engine and cowl top together BEFORE attaching the cowl. If the panels at the top front of the nose aren’t perfectly flowing in one straight line, adjust the engine angle until it is.  This is a real PITA to do, as the back of the engine has a gun breech, mounts, and equipment that all key into the wing support.  Plan ahead.  I couldn’t. Mine was built by the previous owner. I had to hack and cut the engine to re-angle it correctly to align that front top cooler panel correctly.  No biggie for me, because it was to be closed up.  Just plan for it.

3. Wing to fuselage panels.  I covered the engine to fuselage to wing and landing gear support in item #2, but also, the wing fillet details are way, way too pronounced.  The rivet heads on the wing root fillets look like they were left over from the construction of RMS Olympic.  They need taming down. Plus the panel lines where the fillets meet the wing are close to 1/8 scale.  Fix them

Most of the issues I had I stack up to inheriting this kit with critical sub assemblies stuck together already.  I want to do another, and I’m sure, like all other Zoukei kits, it’ll fall together.



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Thanks Ern, it's good to get some perspective from a different point of view.

There was a lot of concern about the louvered grill put about at the time of this kit's release, but as I remember if the old "measure twice, cut /glue once" rule was applied it seemed to fit flush as it was meant to. I am putting a resin Aires Jumo motor into mine, so your advice about the alignment and the wing root plates is well heeded.

You did well considering your kit was already started.


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Yup. It’s ugly where it can’t be seen, but decent on the outside.

just line the cowl, louvered panel and nosebowl straight in a line. It’s harder than it seems because you’re dealing with a full engine, tight cowls, and a radiator surrounding the prop shaft...

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0496D17D-94DE-48E3-A611-D925C36263E6.thumb.jpeg.a30b79e310db01318e393ec8e7ecadc4.jpegWell gentlemen, let’s throw one together.  While the epoxy is drying on my P-51B, I found myself with a couple spare hours so I dug out the earlier PCM FW-190A shortnose kit.  This is the original A-1,2,3 kit without the resin -4 conversion, so I’m planning a semi quick very early issue A-1 with the four rifle caliber machineguns. 

I built the 152H-1, the last Würger version, so I figured let’s do the first. It will be a simple build, using a kit scheme, either Black 13 or Red 1, and the only AM will be some of Radu Brinzan’s belts, and maybe metal gun barrels.

i need to do research on the prop. Is it right? Is an email to Henri Daehne needed? Most manufacturers miss on the German prop shapes, some by just a bit, but some are way off the mark...

Here’s a few pics....


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As you can see, the fit is typical PCM.   Bloody hideous around the wing roots, but all in all, a whole lot better than many limited production kits.

Any modeler who’s moved past the Tamiya or Hasegawa stage can deal with this.   But on the other hand, as we all know, we get some gorgeous resin in these kits. TWO choices of wheels, full resin cockpit, wheelwells, exhaust stubs, and an engine insert.  The engine appears only adequate, but you won’t see much anyway, so this is about all you need.






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