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Hello to you all

with the start off a new year im going to start a year project before its ready

I have found somthing intresting will i whas in search for some info about another plane

I liked the idee and saved the pic

Many weeks later and more searching on the net i said yes go for it

It will not compleet exact the same like in the pic but you will have the idee off the concept




what i have to start it



so let the fun begin

for the hip im going to change the windows and remove some lumps

iff it looks close enough i will be happy

im not that rivet counter and yes there are many difrences between the two types of hips



  • Like 9
Just now, Peterpools said:


Looking forward to following you build - going to be a gem.

So glad your on board and hanging with us

Keep 'em comin


thanks Peter

it will be a long road to go

a lot off new techniks to learn but i have time

  • Like 5

thank you all

i made a start on the fuchs

the plan is to build the txo armor when painting start on that i will start the hip





  • Like 8

Interesting project, Mark.

The outdoor exhibits of the museum in Bad Oeynhausen have been slowly rotting away for almost a decade. IIRC, the museum closed its gates in 2007/2008. The Fuchs gives me some riddles, though. Maybe a prototype vehicle.

  • Like 6
4 hours ago, Ivan Ivanovich said:

Interesting project, Mark.

The outdoor exhibits of the museum in Bad Oeynhausen have been slowly rotting away for almost a decade. IIRC, the museum closed its gates in 2007/2008. The Fuchs gives me some riddles, though. Maybe a prototype vehicle.

yes its long closed

and indeed there is somthing with the fuchs but for me iff it will look close enough i will be happy

for me its just having fun and learning new stuff



  • Like 4

thank you all for the intrest

some more things done on the fuchs and made a start on the luchs



and here a idee of the setup with the hip




  • Like 5
23 hours ago, mark31 said:

yes its long closed
and indeed there is somthing with the fuchs but for me iff it will look close enough i will be happy
for me its just having fun and learning new stuff

All good, mate. That's what it's all about - having fun, honing your skills and breaking new grounds.

I was just curious about the "oddball" TPz 1 "Fuchs" and SpPz 2 "Luchs" vehicles. So I did a little digging deeper and what I came up with makes me really, really sad since these two rotten hulks are significant technical milestones. IMHO, these two vehicles should have been restored and displayed at the Panzermuseum Munster or at the MHM Dresden. It's a shame...

In fact, the Fuchs in Bad Oeynhausen was the very first 6x6 Daimler-Benz prototype - the grandfather of the Fuchs if you will. Daimler-Benz won the competition against the so-called "Gemeinschaftsbuero" design. One of the "GB" prototypes is on display at the Panzermuseum Munster.

First (one-off) Daimler-Benz TPz 1 6x6 prototype:
(that's the one that's been slowly rotting away in Bad Oeynhausen)

Later Daimler-Benz TPz 1 pre-production vehicle:

(pretty much as we know it today)

Outgunned Gemeinschaftsbuero 6x6 TPz 1 prototype:

"SpPz 2 Luchs" genesis in a nutshell:
Two competing designs based on a common Porsche concept. Competitors: "Gemeinschaftsbuero" (Buessing, Henschel, KHD, Krupp and MAN) and Daimler-Benz. Again, "GB" lost out to the Daimler-Benz design. The final "Gemeinschaftsbuero" SpPz 2 prototype, dubbed "G4", is currently on display at the Tank Museum Munster. The alleged "Luchs" at the Auto Technica Museum Bad Oeynhausen is in fact the penultimate "G3" prototype - a fairly different animal.

Gemeinschaftsbuero SpPz 2 prototype "G3":
(overall hull sloping and the rear of the vehicle differ significantly from the winning Daimler-Benz design)

"Mud! Glorious mud!" Winning Daimler-Benz SpPz 2 prototype towing "G3":

"All things shall perish..."



:wacko: :blink:


  • Like 4

thanks for the links

this is also on the do list iff the hip turns out good

alraedy have the mig,marder and gepard in the stash




  • Like 4

time to make a bit off work on the hip

changing the windows and making one extra on the right side



after cutting




  • Like 5


Nice progress on the two armor kits and glad to see nothing is missing your eye on changing the details on the Mo-8MT. Sure looks like at full throttle on this project.



  • Like 4
46 minutes ago, Peterpools said:


Nice progress on the two armor kits and glad to see nothing is missing your eye on changing the details on the Mo-8MT. Sure looks like at full throttle on this project.



thanks Peter

at this moment i have vacation

on monday it will slow down back to normal life so back to work



  • Like 4

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