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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

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Here is my completed Tamiya Mustang in the colors of the Bardahl company.   It has a scratch built rear cockpit, modified P-51H prop from a cutdown Bearcat prop, modified wingtip pitot probe, all weaponry removed, AMS resin 150 gallon drop tanks, and fine molds seatbelts.   Finally decals from Draw Decals.   I highly recommend draw decals if your looking for something a bit more unique than the normal subject matter.   All in all I'm content with the build.  Theres many parts that could have been more true to the original,  and I'm absolutely certain others could get a better looking result.  I learned a lot from this build and that's really all you can ask for.







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12 minutes ago, Martinnfb said:

Now , that's a stunner , love it Tony. Good luck at the IPMS contest table, because that's where she belongs .



Thank you very much Martin.   I don't think this will end up at Nationals next year, theres too many little disqualifying things on it.  Hopefully I can get something put together for next year.  

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7 hours ago, GazzaS said:

Wonderful job, Tony! 

She's a beaut!!


What's next?



Thanks Gaz.  I'm piddling with an Academy Sufa but I'll also be starting another project.   What that will be I haven't decided yet. 

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