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Scammell tractor/trailer with M3 Grant

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I've been working on the Grant a bit. 

It wasn't until after I'd started assembling the tracks that I found out the W210 track has rubber pads. I thought it was similar to the all metal dry pin track that the Canadian version used. Had I known that I would have painted them prior to assembly. 

With the tracks assembled I decided to airbrush the whole track in rubber black and then mask the rubber pads and paint the end links in steel.


At this point, I was getting ready to mask the pads off when I realized I could just dry brush the end links. I figured with a subsequent wash and weathering, it wouldn't be noticed that the end links were perfectly painted. 



It worked out nicely and took less time that the masking would have. 

The finished tracks were given a wash with Gunze Sunday wash(that's what it says on the bottle). 


Next was to install them. Here's the first side done 


A close up of the track. 


At the same time, I painted the seat cushions for the Scammell.


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On 9/26/2020 at 1:49 AM, GazzaS said:

Those tracks came out very well!  Can't believe you were gonna mask them.

Thanks Gaz! I can't freehand paint that well. Or more precisely, as beat as I'd like. So I've learned to mask things. Like ejection seat handles and instrument panels. It takes forever but it's always neater than I could do otherwise. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Small bit of progress on both the Scammell and the Grant. 

I did a test fit of the Jeep driver I bought in the Scammell's  driver's seat. 


He's not a bad fit, even reaches the pedals. 

I then added the controls. Man there are a lot of levers. 


The throttle is attached to the firewall along with several other boxes. 


Finally, with the firewall attached to the cab.


I glued the upper and lower turret halves together on the Grant. I then filled the seam with Mr Surfacer 500.


I then added the mantlet to the turret. 



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  • 5 weeks later...

I finally did some work on the Scammell. Which wasn't actually on the Scammell itself. I sanded and then varnished the base. I used a water based varathane for that. 


It's now dried so I can start on the landscaping bit. Here's how I'm thinking of placing the Scammell:


It's more or less centred on the board width wise. 

Or, I could move it slightly to one side and possibly add a Jeep with maybe the crews conversing?


Or would that be too busy and crammed? Or me just biting off more than I can chew? 

Definitely the latter for sure.:lol:

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I have decided to forego the Jeep and just do the Scammell and Grant on the base. To that end, I've thrown some drywall compound on the base and shaped it so that the groundwork won't be completely flat. This is new territory for me so I hope it works. 


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I started on the ground cover. I'm using two different grades of gravel from Woodland Scenics. One is fine talus and the other is fine ballast. I mixed a bit of both together and then sprinkle/pour it on the base. Then I'm using a dropper to apply thinned PVA glue. 


With the base covered, I put the Scammell on it to see how it looks. 


Just need to wait for the glue to stay and we'll find out soon enough. 

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27 minutes ago, Jeff said:

I think it looks good too, Carl... but if you track any of it upstairs onto the carpet, Sue will kick your butt !!  :rofl:

I'll just say it was the cats. :D

I mean, our Calico gases me pretty much any time I'm at my bench so fair play I'd say. 

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