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HPH Announces 1/32 Me-410 (with pics)!


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Having a bit of fun right now over on LSP, Heinz was kind enough to email me pics of a just-announced Me410 in resin from HPH in 1/32


(high res at https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-glegMqwVJdU/UcXGqsB8TlI/AAAAAAAACH0/ougj0XDdK0Y/w1172-h879-no/Me-410_1.JPG)



(high res at https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-V5pIzQMkngg/UcXGqvORZXI/AAAAAAAACHw/I7Xhvn23D4U/w1172-h879-no/Me-410_2.JPG)



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Looks like I will be thinning my stash for this one, right on the heels of thinning my stash for the Tamiya F4U!


I just love all the attention 1:32 is getting these days.  Some really nice stuff coming....

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So the bottom of the Scratchbuilders 1/32 kit market is about to fall out. These kits have sold at ridiculous prices over the

years. This one wil not be cheap though. But HPH is surely making a name for them.


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The discussion has been on Britmodeller and also LSP

Afaik there has been no crticism of what they have produced per se - because they haven't produced anything yet!

There was a spat concerning who has accurate plans, and what ones they are using, with one British chap saying in effect he ha the only accurate plans and he wasn't going to help HPH.


Now, whether that is ALL bs or not, who knows.


One thing I DO know is that both the Walrus and Cat are pretty much industry benchmark kits *in whatever medium* - uber pricey yes, but they are about as good as it gets - and I include WNW, Tamiya's 1/32 etc etc when I say this


So, if they were ever to do the Hornet, I'd be pretty confident it would be accurate.


Just my assessment of te situation, as I did watch that one bubble away (and participate in those discussions myself)



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Apparently the Hornet, or rather the artwork and drawings they are using has come in for a lot of criticism on another forum.

I looked on the HPH site and all I see is glider stuff and new releases sans Me410.


where can I link to the HPH Me410 art?

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