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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. That's the Mossie for you, as smooth as silk. A wonderful airframe with impressive performance but a boring model to paint
  2. As you say a mile stone reached. Wonderful detailing and having two of these beasts on the bench you really don't make it easy for yourself. How do you keep motivated on these builds? Cees
  3. Amazing, fantastic, out of this world scratchbuilding. Cees
  4. What kept you Peter Good to see you here again. Your first post gave a glimpse of the masterpiece that is again evolving under you skilled hands. The Telford champion 2019 is shaping up very well. Cheers Cees
  5. I believe those spar strenghteners are a post war mod and not used during wartime. Cees
  6. Fantastic pic! I for one am very happy that WNW had us all by the ......Upkeep. But having two Lancasters in our beloved scale is wonderful. Comparisons will be made but would make very interesting reading. That Halifax III would make a very nice follow upper. Cees
  7. Problem with HKM if you ask me is that they revealed their plans for the Lanc in 2013 or so, it's now 2018. As WNW and Tamiya usually do is to keep a lid on it and announce only shortly before the kit is released.
  8. It's the HKM kit in a WNW Felixstow box
  9. How about G-FIRE, would make a nice model. Cees
  10. Time to break out the trusty saw! Cees
  11. Old school versus new school. Let the show begin Cees
  12. Thanks Carl, The best option would be to convert the PCM-kit. The work to convert the wings is relatively easy, apart from the rescribing and the different wheel wells. But all wing detail would have to be sanded off and later adding al the bumps. The Matchbox/Revell 22/24 can be used for parts. I testfitted the 22/24 outer wings to the PCM wings and the fit was reasonable. Pity I did not keep those parts in the sparesbox. Oh well. If this XIV is finished I might do the MK 21 anyway. Cheers Cees
  13. Looks fantastic Wouter, I especially like the work you did on the canopy. Another feather in your cap. Cees
  14. Just to remind you the Nanton museum also have FM159 which is capable of taxiing and has recently been fitted with a replica Upkeep mine that actually spins. Cees
  15. So, after a long absence from posting any pics due to Photob...ugger I finally got motivated again to start a topic. I have always been a huge fan of the Griffon powered Spitfires with that perennial favorite of mine, the Mk 21. Combining the power of the high back XIV with the twenties series wingplanform it has always appealed to me. Having attempted to kitbash the Matchbox 22/24 with the PCM Spit XIV some years ago, it was a failure as the wings could not be matched to the fuselage. Howeve the idea of the big brutish Griffon Spit has haunted me ever since and the itch returned. Which means I have to scratch. Recently I posted a request for the PCM XIV which is hard to find. Luckily Martinnfb responded that he had some of the parts available but not a complete kit. Fine by me as the sparesbox would supply the missing bits from varous kits. Thanks very much Martin. At very short notice the parts arrived and although at first the Mk 21 plans were rekindled, I thought a Mk XIV was a better option. A Duch 322 Squadron aircraft would do nicely. First problem though is that the resin parts were missing so the wheelwells had to be sourced. These came from a discarded Revell Mk II. Some surgery soon found the new parts fitting the wings very well. The winghalves were quickly joined. A good start. Cheers Cees
  16. Hi Bill, Yes, very much. It looks so simple. What a great way to reproduce multiple parts. Thanks Cees
  17. Wow this looks good. As you said your first experience with casting resin. Can you show how you did that? Cees
  18. In that case, welcome to LSM Bill! Make yourself at home here. Cees
  19. That's what the real Mossie had too. The undercarriage legs are not handed and one set of tooling can be used to make a complete set of undercarriage legs. Very nice work on those nacelles. Cheers Cees
  20. Oh nooooo!!!! NOT 190's
  21. That Matchbox boxart really blew my mind when I saw it for the first time in the toyshop as a little boy. At 7,5 guilders it was very expensive and I had to save for a long time to be able to buy it. Also the original Matchbox rendering of the geodetic structure on the wings was never surpassed. Get those wingy things on Jeroen! Cees
  22. Hi Kais, Nice subject, I like it already. Let the butchering begin. Cheers Cees
  23. You could drill a hole in each wingundersurface and into the remaining tab and insert a piece of plastic rod to keep the wings firmly in place. When sanded flat you won't see a thing. Cees
  24. In that scale it really works. Impressive result on those rivets. Cees
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