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Everything posted by Daywalker

  1. I'm in! I'll look through the stash to see what I have to donate.
  2. Thank you everyone for stopping by and having a look, and especially for leaving a comment! I really do appreciate that.
  3. Thank you fellas, I really enjoy these Tamiya Corsairs. After the last two builds (F4U-1 and F4U-1A) I think I will try something different and build the F4U-1D.
  4. Sorry for the belated wishes, hope you had a fantastic birthday Harv - and MANY more to come!
  5. Finished this one back in March, unfortunately my camera died halfway through the photo shoot! I had to finish taking photos with my cellphone, which is not ideal for close up photography. These are the best shots I have of it, hope you find them interesting. It is VF-17's Tom Killefer's #5, with decals from Kagero and Fundekals and painted "5"'s. The Kagero book had the number 5's on the decal sheet, and I ruined the first one I put on so had to draw out a 5 and cut them out myself. Painted with Tamiya acrylics and weathered with oils. A lot of the subtle weathering is lost in the photo, sure a better camera could pick it up. Enjoy! Frank
  6. Glad I could help Peter, looking forward to seeing more of this one.
  7. Thanks guys, missed this topic! Appreciate the wishes, one more year to 50!
  8. I feel bad for all of those affected, glad I never signed up for FB.
  9. Looking great Peter, I am always amazed at what a difference those cockpit stencils make. I have not tried them yet, the thought of hundreds of small decals really tries my patience... A question though, shouldn't the group of parts sticking out the left side be turned around 180? With the tall handle facing inwards? I am about to start my Tamiya F4U-1D kit, after finishing both the -1 and -1A.
  10. Thank you Mike, both for the info and the welcome back - it's been a while!
  11. Is there a recommended size for photos here?
  12. Peter- I don't usually follow along with very many WIP's closely, but yours is always chock full of ideas, new techniques, and innovative ways of accomplishing what you set out to do. Following along and enjoying the ride!
  13. Looking at the spinner, the OD color is so rich. Not quite sure how to explain it, but I really like the look you have achieved. Is it mostly pre shading that is very subtly showing through? What paint are you using for your OD? I have had mixed results getting "the look" with OD, but yours is just what I would like to achieve.
  14. Your paint jobs are so rich, the colors blend so well and they just look "right". I envy your finishing skills!
  15. Very impressive work, what Tamiya mix did you use for the azure blue? I like it.
  16. Love the Dart, wish we could see an IM one in 1/32! Have never built this kit, but have a couple in my stash. Beautifully done!
  17. I think my best to date is my second big Tamiya Viper. Awesome kits!
  18. Thank you for the inspiration to get off my butt and finish mine up!
  19. That is sad to watch, not much worse than watching a beautiful aircraft crumple like that.
  20. That is brilliant Bevan, love the "look" you have achieved on this one!
  21. Holy crap Dave, that is one of the finest examples of this kit I have seen. Perfect paint work and a look that is just "right".
  22. I'm not as interested in Soviet twins as I would be in some single engine aircraft like the La-5, LaGG-3, etc. Would love to see those in 1/32!
  23. Now THAT is an informative review, thanks for taking the time to put it together.
  24. A very impressive looking model, one I hope soon to buy for myself!
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