In fact, the 1/35 scale would work better. Cheap and lots of them out there to cut and shape to your needs. Most 1/35 figures seem to scale out to 6' tall when in fact the average height of an American soldier in WWII was closer to the 5'7 ish area. So it would be a perfect fit for your 32nd scale dio.
Need to keep Mikesters Pop in your thoughts. He lives in Napa, California. Got rocked pretty hard by an 6+ earthquake. He is reported to be OK but inside of house is trashed. Having lived through 4 major earthquakes myself, its a screwed feeling.
Tell SWMBO something was lost in translation. What you get for lettin' dem dang fahahneers into your house. Erik....if there was ever a time to be speaking Dutch to your son....that was it!!