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Everything posted by Paulster

  1. Lacquer thinner it my choice of poison.
  2. Don't know why. Box art sells I guess.Awesome looking kit though. Finally an aftermarket modern AFV barrel that's not a kit in itself.
  3. Intense project. Love the attention to detail. Don't have the room for this scale but love looking at it.
  4. ​You just keep cranking them out don't you Ralph? Keep having fun!
  5. Very good. Gonna have give that a try.
  6. I was told by a rep at an airbrush company that using Windex will etch the plating and void the warranty. Due to the ammonia in it. It's what destroyed the bowl on my HP-C Plus.
  7. Check out Hobby Lobby if you have one nearby.
  8. Nice start. Whats your secret on the tool (wood) handles?
  9. Shep Paine.
  10. Great job. Very realistic. Makes me want to take a shower it's so dirty looking.
  11. Beautiful weathering and chip effect. I always get Fruil for vehicles that don't have a "live" suspension. Nothing looks like sagging links like sagging links. What method did you incorporate for the chipping?
  12. http://www.ultracast.ca/products/Vector/32%20Scale/VDS32-011/default.htm Don't know what shipping is.
  13. ​Braver man than to tackle this one. Great work and interesting conversation topic.
  14. Damn!!!! And here I am, fresh out of checks!
  15. ​I almost always wear the optivisor when building. Age dictates it now. A friend of mine gave me a small lighted magnifying lamp for Christmas. Very nice indeed. I also use the larger magnifying lamp. Need to take care of your peepers.
  16. I should've stated initial insertion/landing of armor. But Erik is correct, A1's were the next batch in.
  17. That I do. This was taken 3 years ago. So with all the new AFV releases the collection is now called "Stack O' Centurions".
  18. I have Sherman issues.
  19. The M51 is based on the M4A1 large hatch, wet stowage cast hull and a heavily modified T23 Sherman turret. IDF designated their Sherman's by the type gun it was armed with. M51 named after the French M51 105mm gun with a shortened barrel. M50 Sherman after the French 75mm anti tank gun, which by the way, is a absolute copy the same gun that was on the German Mk. V Panther (sans the muzzle brake). Those are indeed Sherman tracks. Due to the added weight, the upgraded Israeli M4's needed to have the later version HVSS suspension. The early version M50's retained the VVSS type suspension, but it couldn't handle the weight. Those were equipped with either the double pinned T66 or T80 tracks. Mish's version has the T80 type track. And the term "Isherman" is a myth. It is Hebrew for "Super Sherman". And only one vehicle was called "Isherman". And that was the M1 (armed with the US 76mm gun, M1) IDF Sherman back in the mid '50's. The modeling companies latched onto the name and wouldn't let go. The only company that got it right is Tamiya. A couple/few years ago they released the M1 IDF "Super Sherman". A year later came the M51 Sherman and the term "Isherman" was not to be found on the box nor instructions. If you wish to be bored more with M4 knowledge, I'm here Tuesdays and Thursdays nights with 2 shows on Saturday. BADATHESHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
  20. Nice work. What and whose red did you use for the roundels?
  21. F2H-2 Banshee. Heard Kitty Hawk is planning one in 48th. But Kitty Hawk and Kinetic have gone the way of Trumpeter as far as future release announcements are concerned. Announce a gaggle of releases then release just a few of those. Been hearing a release of the Canadian Banshee for a couple of years now.
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