Yes we do Ted. About 15 teens and pre teens. My town has a new Boys and Girls Club that just opened last Spring. We are going to organize a "Make and Take" with them as I have about 100 snap time NASCAR kits in my attic.
Article in the local online paper on the model club I run.
A Sherman is not a Sherman as a Sherman should be. It is very confusing to the non Shermanholics. The last time I tried to explain something Sherman to Mikester his eyes rolled up to the back of his head, Had give him an emergency shot of Yukon Jack. By the by…… at the beginning of the Normandy invasion the Yanks only landed the M4 75mm (dry) to keep the logistics problem to a minimum. Class dismissed.
Didn't mean to hijack your thread there Rick. Friend of mine stated at last weeks club meeting that he usually goes all out this time of year at Squadron. But not this year. He feels Squadron let their inventory drop to almost nothing intentionally.
Have been eyeing the Meteor since it came out. So far have been real successful in not getting it. Am surprised how long it took for these to be released.