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Everything posted by Paulster

  1. Nice build Mish. Love what the IDF did to the M4. Tasca/Asuka kits are top notch. Light years ahead of DML. Not saying anything wrong with the Dragon.
  2. Eduards moves pretty quick on anything they think will sell. And this will sell. I'll guess within a month.
  3. Yes we do Ted. About 15 teens and pre teens. My town has a new Boys and Girls Club that just opened last Spring. We are going to organize a "Make and Take" with them as I have about 100 snap time NASCAR kits in my attic.
  4. Just hang on a bit for the dedicated -1A release from Eduard. The seat in the Birdcage was 7 inches lower than the -1A.
  5. Article in the local online paper on the model club I run. http://www.menifee247.com/2014/12/local-model-club-members-enjoy-sharing-their-creations.html
  6. Off hand I would say no. Isn't Humbrol normally a petroleum solvent based product?
  7. Future. It's not just for breakfast anymore!
  8. ​Your modeling skills are extreme. Wonderful work.
  9. ​Yep…. we are now "dealers". Squadron wants 2 bills for theirs. Crack must be real expensive in Texas now.
  10. Never heard of "Fly". Good stuff?
  11. A Sherman is not a Sherman as a Sherman should be. It is very confusing to the non Shermanholics. The last time I tried to explain something Sherman to Mikester his eyes rolled up to the back of his head, Had give him an emergency shot of Yukon Jack. By the by…… at the beginning of the Normandy invasion the Yanks only landed the M4 75mm (dry) to keep the logistics problem to a minimum. Class dismissed.
  12. That and the Jim Weschler book, "How To Build Better Sherman's". Technics he explains, yes…..actually explains how, can be used on almost anything.
  13. Looks intense. Looking forward to this.
  14. My neighbor just got this kit. Vender had mistakenly put it on the clearance table and honored the price. $45 USD.
  15. Tasca/Asuka are the best M4 kits out there. No doubt about it.
  16. ​Well……… Judging from what the IDF M48A1's and A2's did to all that Soviet armor in '67, I can make a fair assessment.
  17. Didn't mean to hijack your thread there Rick. Friend of mine stated at last weeks club meeting that he usually goes all out this time of year at Squadron. But not this year. He feels Squadron let their inventory drop to almost nothing intentionally.
  18. One year to go, huh Mike? Damn! Went by quick. Can't get an extension?
  19. Grreeeaaaatt……..Just bought that. Shit!
  20. I have the Dragon coming in (tomorrow) that I will combine with the DEF Magach 3 conversion.
  21. Tamiya kits have a habit of "falling together". The original "shaker box" kits.
  22. I love shopping for myself too!
  23. ​They make such nice stuff. I've bought their after market products without even owning the kit for it.
  24. Prayers and thoughts to all of our Canadian friends and Allies. Feel your pain and got your back.
  25. Have been eyeing the Meteor since it came out. So far have been real successful in not getting it. Am surprised how long it took for these to be released.
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