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Everything posted by Kaireckstadt

  1. Great idea with the replacement exhausts. Looking very convincing John! Curious how you will go on with the wings.
  2. Great masking and paintjob Carl!
  3. You really have to go the long way Peter. Sad to hear about the troubles with the decals. But I’m sure you will overcome all the trouble and - like Rob said - turn it into an awesome model in the end.
  4. Great work on the camo Mark! Looking fantastic!
  5. The Tornado is in the rework station at the moment. That’s why I didn’t post an update here for a longer time. Also a bigger problem occurred when the LED in the left wingtip didn’t work anymore. Luckily I had 2 spares left over from the set which I didn’t use. I had to make a cutout on top of the wing as far as possible along panellines and remove the LED and solder the replacement one to the cables. I’m happy that the surgery worked and that the problem appeared already in this stage of the build. Now I have a another section with a bigger rework necessary. This is how it looks like: LED changed and cutout refitted cutout sanded and rescribing still to be done light working again. Will look more red in the end when the glass is also painted red. The underside of the wing. Position lights colored and glass added. HUD-light toned down with translucent green Thats it for today. Will post an update when all rework on the complete model is done.
  6. Thank you Carl. Interesting that your brother in law worked on Tornados. Curious to hear about his feedback!
  7. All the work (and break) fully paid off John. Stunning model!
  8. Like Peter and Gary I really like the paintjob on the underside and the modulation of the color. Looks quite convincing to me.
  9. Like Rob and Gary said: great build so far and excellent paintjob!
  10. Simply amazing! I can’t find the right words to describe your work Oliver!
  11. Great progress and this will be a real eyecatcher in the end Carl!
  12. That’s what I call a sharp looking model! Stunning Mustang Kevin!
  13. Great build and paintjob Peter. I’m sad for you that you had to redo the camo-scheme. Can‘t wait to see your progress! I only use AK-, Tamiya-and Gunze Acrylics. I once used a panel-liner from MiG and it ruined the part. So I decided not to use MiG paints anymore. But this is up to each modeler himself.
  14. Looking great so far John!
  15. Great paintjob so far. The mottling is superb!
  16. Nice progress John and good decision to do the spread wings. Looks better for me than the folded version.
  17. Kev, copy Peter: she’s a beauty!
  18. Great to have you back here Ian! Can‘t wait to see your progress on the accessories and the Lanc itself.
  19. Thank you Mark. I‘m happy that all lights work after the assembly. No more chance now to correct without big effort.
  20. You are right! It has been extremely hot here this week except yesterday. Hope that it soon is over. For me 25 degrees in summer would be enough.
  21. Copy Rob Carl: great build development of a seldom seen subject !
  22. Great progress John. Will be a stunner in the end!
  23. Congrats to another great diorama Gary. Even though you live in Waterworld these days. Winter-scenes aren’t easy to replicate but your scene is really awesome. I‘m curious what will come next. Like Peter always says: keep 'em coming!
  24. Great start on building the Lancaster Kevin. Lovely attention to detail. And your Stuka looks awesome too. I’ve build the HK Dambuster Lanc but also have the Border Kit. I will follow your build closely.
  25. Thank you Gary. I hope that I can keep the speed. Not as fast as John …😉 but I do my best…
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