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Everything posted by Kaireckstadt

  1. Thanks a lot for your feedback. The F-104 is one of my favorite planes.
  2. Hi Rob, the Italeri-Kit has its shortcomings but builds into a beautiful model even without aftermarket. It perfectly captures the sleek look. Just give it a try. The F-104 is one of my favorite planes! I‘ve also build a bare-metal one and have the 2-seater in my stash.
  3. Quite interesting, never heard of it before! So what you really need are pictures from the aircraft you want to build!
  4. They look beautiful to me. You only have panellines where access-panels are located. Looks perfect! I will try this with one of my next builds! I‘ve seen the 410 in Cosford in 2019 after the SMW 2019 in Telford. You really captured the look quite well. Maybe you can try it at an old model in 32nd scale you have.
  5. You are totally right. If you exactly want to replicate the original, than you have to putty the panellines. Do you have a foto or link to one of the models you did this way. I‘m very interested!
  6. Thank you all for your feedback. It‘s much appreciated. Sorry for the confusion in the picture sequence. I tried to change it but it didn’t work!
  7. Filling the panellines isn’t necessary. I would only accentuate the panellines not too dark but just smooth. No one looks at the model without panellines. That’s the way it is. Just don’t overdo it, then it‘s ok. Maybe you can try the method I used for my Lanc. No panelliner used, just preshading and careful airbrushing:
  8. Mine has no rivets except a few on the connection between the wing and the fuselage. I will not rivet mine since the on the real aircraft most of the rivets and even panellines were puttied to make the surface smooth and the aircraft a few km/h faster. The Americans did the same with the Mustang. I enclose a picture of the Me 262 where you can clearly see this. This riveting and panellining is something which many modelers overdo since it seems to be a criteria for the quality of the model. I try to reduce this to a minimum and avoid panellining fluids.
  9. Hi again, Here are some pictures of my diorama „Flyout F-104G MFG2, family day“. The aircraft was one of 4 making a farewell-tour through the US in 1986. See special markings at the tail. The model is the Italeri kit with all add-ones from Eduard, a resin bang-seat, engine-trolley, M61 Vulcan and pitot from Master and 3 figures. Helmet of Pilot hollowed out Tamiya F-4 Pilot head. The post-tank is an adapted F-86 tank. Decals came from DACO. Several 100 to apply The explanation plates, the barriers and route warning bands and gun-base scratchbuild.The baseplate is from IKEA and the airfield is 1000 sandpaper. Brake blocks from Tamiya F-16. The J-79 Engine is the base engine of the kit with all accessories and piping/ cabling scratchbuild. It took 3 months to complete only the engine. The whole model and diorama took 1 year to complete. The book „Uncovering of the F-104 Starfighter“ from Danny Coremans was my bible for the build. Thanks for looking.
  10. That’s good to know. I am thinking about buying also one since I only have the Revell A-8.
  11. I‘ve never seen these pictures! Very interesting! Is „World War Photos“ a source in the internet? So your Twin-Seater will receive Natural metal cowlings for the front engine? This will be an eye-catcher together with the Jeep and the map they will be standing on! Where do you store all the Models you build?
  12. That’s a cool and cheap method, Gaz! I will try that too! Is the PCM plastic as sturdy as on e.g. the Tempest-Kit? Not easy to work with! Very good job so far! Looking forward to your updates!
  13. The camo looks exceptional! I love these 2-tone-liveries! Your conversion is really amazing! Lots of work that pays off!
  14. That looks great, Jeroen! Your diorama is based on a photo I know of the Watson Whizzers capturing a single seat aircraft in Germany at the end of WWII, isn‘t it?
  15. Thank you for your tip, Rob! So I will use the ones delivered with the kit. I will be my first WWI plane. Always been afraid of the rigging. But that not much on the triplane.
  16. Your build is really breathtaking, Rowdy! Stunning in every aspect!
  17. That looks really very convincing! Well done, Alan!
  18. That looks great Rob! You are really going the extra-mile, which pays off! The tutorial is very good. I have the Meng Triplane in my stash and will probably use your method.
  19. That’s really world-class! Lost for words. Simply amazing!
  20. That looks great! Will be a gorgeous model when finished!
  21. That really looks very good, Harv. Especially the seat-cushion looks absolutely convincing.
  22. Thank you Joeg wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!
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