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Everything posted by Kaireckstadt

  1. Have corrected the color of the ladder. Thanks again for the tip, Ian!
  2. Thanks for the link Ian, for sure it will help! I will use it, when I build my Tamiya-Lanc! It‘s the best reference, I can get. By the way beautiful job on the Lanc! I went through all pages of your post there. And the crew-bus is simply amazing. All scratch-build? Chapeau! So no fixing of the pastels on the model. This means handling with care. Will keep it in mind... Thanks again and looking forward to seeing more of your 32nd Lanc! Kai
  3. Ian, Thanks for your reply and the fotos. Your Tamiya Lanc looks fantastic. The staining along the wings is quite realistic. What I didn’t do but read more often was that the stains also occurred on the tailplanes, like on yours! And you also opened the window of the pilot! Well done! I also have Pastel-Chalks which I will also try on one of my next builds. How do you fix them after application? Is it possible with another layer of flat varnish? The background is really nice and a good idea. 7 ft last for a big diorama! The truck is a very nice addition! Didn’t know that this is available in 48 scale! Since I also have a Tamiya-Lanc in my stash is it possible to get a list from you with the faults which have to be corrected? I would highly appreciate that! Thanks in advance for your support! Kai
  4. Hi Ian, Very nice Lanc! Which scale is this? Also nice background in the diorama. Do you have a photo of the complete dio? Really like your exhaust-stains! With what kind of powder did you create them? How did you apply it? Looks very convincing!
  5. Thank both of you for your feedback!
  6. Hi Ian, Thanks for your feedback. I didn’t knew about the color of the car. I will leave mine as it is, because new painting would be too much effort. Regarding the ladder I will repaint it in aircraft interior green. I have only 2 original fotos of the ladder. One from NX 711 and one in b&w from ED 932. I assume that the red color of NX 711 is only due to the safety of visitors. To your question: I first painted on a mix of Revell Colors Flat Black 8 and Flat Brown 83 thinned to a ratio of 80% Thinner and 20% Color on the upper and lower sides of the wings and nacelles in several layers. This was followed by a mix of Revell Colors flat white 5, flat black 8 and a drop of light brown 89 thinned 70-30 (Thinner-Color). Finally I made the stains dirty with the sand-color and soot-color out of the Tamiya Weatherine Set A and B. Otherwise they looked too regular for me. I attach some fotos of the process. Hope, that helps you Cheers Kai
  7. I don’t know if it’s ok to post it here but I want to share with you some pics of the diorama-accessories which I have build for my Lancaster-Diorama. Meanwhile, I‘ve finished some brake-blocks, an entrance-ladder and a RAF Tilly van. The Tilly is a „shake & bake“ from Tamiya and the rest is scratched from sheet and stretched sprue. The baseplate is only interim and will be exchanged later in the build.
  8. Quite interesting to read, Ian! Where do you have all these sources from ?
  9. Looks beautiful and perfectly shaded too! Is this Alclad or what did you use ?
  10. That looks really stunning, Jeroen! Especially the fading of the panels looks very convincing. Lots of work to lighten up all the panels! Do you also have a picture from the bottom of the plane? Would be great to see!
  11. Thanks for the explanations, Ian! You are a real expert on the Lanc! Next time I will use my eyes. I have a lot of literature about the Lanc, but have neither seen a photo with this feature nor knew the explanation for that so far! Keep on with your amazing work! Cheers Kai
  12. Looks perfect. This is really and add for mine which I should think about...
  13. That looks great, Ian! A lot to do with all that riveting, but worth the effort! Do you have a foto of your Lanc with that gas circle on the fuselage? Never heard of it before! Just know that there was one on the bulletproof panel for the pilot, or is that wrong?
  14. I can fully understand you Harv. Read a lot about what’s happening in your homecountry during the last days which were no days of glory.
  15. Really awesome Rowdy and great job with the riveting and the brass flaps! Cheers Kai
  16. Can only underline this. You have gone far during the last week. Waiting for your next update...
  17. Amazing how fast you are building this model. And it looks beautiful! I only manage one to two per year. Can I send some of mine to you for a quick build?
  18. Thanks for the tip. I will contact them regarding fotos and the newspaper. If I don’t succeed I will come back to you again! Thanks for offering help! BTW: Sounds great to live near Point Mugu! The close-ups are really nice! Especially the picture of the crying bunny! Great idea for the last call! Thanks again! Cheers Kai
  19. Thank you Which one will be your next F-4?
  20. But it’s you who makes out of it what we see...
  21. That’s much more than at the Ta-152! Really impressive work on your Stang!
  22. Thanks a lot for the extracts of articles. Very interesting! What kind of Magazine is this? I‘ve never seen the picture with the crying Bunny before. Amazing! My vavourite also is Vandy 1 with the blue/gold stripes with the white stars. Makes it much more interesting! Cheers Kai
  23. Absolutely amazing! Great to see!
  24. Beautiful build ! How much of it will be visible when it’s finished? I‘ve build the ZM Ta-152 and much of the Details were hidden after completion. At least I have the fotos ...
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