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Everything posted by Kaireckstadt

  1. That’s a lot of work but the result is really very nice. I like it! And I have learned, that the color of the control stick is RLM02! Didn’t know that up to now!
  2. Thanks for the clarification, Ian. The way Nigel corrected this is really simple! For those who have the HK Dambuster in stock or on the bench: HK corrected this fault so no extra work necessary here... (but in many other places )
  3. The weathering on the inside of the u/c-Doors is spot on!
  4. The figures will be a nice addition and will bring life to your model. To answer your question: My personal opinion is that it would be good to reshape the head because it really is too tall as the forehead is too high. I even thought this at the first glance at the figure without having read your text.
  5. Copy this, makes „appetite“ to buy one for my stash.
  6. This is simply awesome, have no other words for it. It will be a world-class-model in the end
  7. Sounds interesting! There are a lot of beautiful liveries available. I personally like the Tuskegee Airman Mustangs with their red tails. Do you know if the wings of NMF-finished Mustangs were painted? I read that the wings of the Mustang were puttied. Do you also plan to do it?
  8. Well done job on the U/C-legs. It‘s a real improvement. Looking forward to seeing them finished! Seems it doesn’t take long till the subassemblies will come together.
  9. When you want to correct the radiators it is also important not to only change the radiator shape but also the intake. NX611 and PA474 are FE-Lancasters with corresponding radiators. All Lancs of the European Theatre had the normal radiators with angled intake. HK did both wrong. See attached picture. BTW: I didn’t correct that neither...
  10. Looking quite good, Harv! Did you scratch the reflectors from clear sheet? How thick are they?
  11. Forgot to say: I would just glue it to the back of the intake...
  12. Here’s another picture showing clearly the need for shortening the MLG:
  13. I had to build all engines for my Lanc due to rotating props. But if I look at mine, the front face of the radiator is exactly at the rear of the intake. No space in between. Hope this helps a little...
  14. For sure it helps Ian. It‘s over for mine but now I understand what you mean! Thanks!
  15. Absolutely gorgeous that sharkmouth and very nice mottling.
  16. Well done, Ian. This is really a must. I can’t understand why HK made this mistake. You mentioned before that you have to shorten the legs. Where do you have to shorten them and how much?
  17. Looks very convincing to me
  18. Really looking awesome, Ian! You rock it! And all for your Lanc-Diorama: This will be looking gorgeous when finished!
  19. Nice work! The cobra on the fin is looking great. Haven’t seen this before. Which Sqn. does the Rhino belong to ?
  20. That looks absolutely stunning!
  21. Copy this! Impressive start Ernie! I would also prefer the SEA-scheme. I love it...
  22. Copy this! Will be gorgeous in the end! I like the idea with the inert sidewinders!
  23. Very good, Harv! The result will pay for the effort. I also have a set from Eduard for the TF-104G on which I will test it.
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