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Everything posted by Grunhertz

  1. Very nice choice Ernie, Mad but nice choice
  2. There generally are two second hand dealers I won't touch one does Telford the other thankfully doesn't. The one at Telford you can't miss, his stand is a pile of boxes that will fall over at any time and everything is marked up 30% off today only! Funnily if you look at the prices they are list with the 30% off. He also tells everyone in his loudest market trader voice about his "deals" the other walks round shows buying stuff from under the tables walks back to his stand and sells the stuff he's just bought.
  3. I generally save up for Telford, Ryan but still set myself a budget unless there is a big ticket item I want
  4. Ernie I've been using a grex for three years now and love it, so much that I bought the wife on for her figures, simple to use and clean, the needle design is such that a. 3 will do everything a. 2 an. 5 can do
  5. I have to say I haven't had the pleasure of a ZM kit but this could be the one
  6. Yep I had a feeling after their 1/48 109 was released at over £40.00 I hung on to my eduard kits. The problem is that their isn't really a comparable kit
  7. It's only a minor gripe with me but this kit is going to retail in the UK at the same price at the eduard limited editions, I know its a new tool etc but £60.00 for a 1/48 lightning? It's a bit on the steep side
  8. Not what I wanted but I may "need" one
  9. Love the zip tie idea. As a word of warning the fit gets a whole lot harder once you put the bulkheads in too
  10. Great idea a roller cab hmmmm particularly as I am now converting my daughters old room into a model room
  11. Ahh but could he build a FM Halifax?
  12. Looking forward to seeing this finished now its looking great
  13. Looks interesting gaz. Interesting I'm here in the old country away from the colonials hoping we give the aussies a damn good thrashing what?
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