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Everything posted by Grunhertz

  1. I did the DH2 Rob and so long as you work methodically the rigging really isn't that hard
  2. just done seven seasons in the last month. only one left to do its like crack when you watch a couple your in and you have to finish it
  3. I went to fl a couple of years ago and it was OK but the display line is too far away from the crowd these days and the multitude of spitfires puts me off now. Earlier this month I did the shuttleworth military Air show and while not as big as FL it had some great stuff including a seven ship flypast of Hurricanes the first in the UK Since 1946
  4. You should be alright with that one Phil I didn't even know that kit existed
  5. Looks a lovely kit james
  6. Some of it will Phil but I think the academy eduard kit is a k/l? The tamiya kit looks like an earlier model
  7. Phil it's all in the placement of the wheel bay sections. The inner faces of the whheelbay sit slightly inboard of the hole in the wing.
  8. those pictures are just beautiful
  9. I gave mine to the wife to build saying "it's hasegawa, it'll fall together" oops
  10. I have to say that this will be welcome as the hasegawa kit is a horrible build and the academy not much better so a good fitting P38 will be welcome
  11. Looking great. Making me think about my 1/48 one now
  12. As someone else who is building this kit and FAA at that. Yes there are problems the fit is tight yes but it's easier to loosen a tight fit than tighten a loose fit. Incorrect colour call outs are not the domain of airfix alone, this is why we research, its a bit of a mystery considering the people involved in this why it's wrong but it is. Not come across any sink holes in mine and for that I was surprised as this is the first airfix kit I have bought in the last ten years without a problem. Wheels on Hellcats seem to be a problem across manufacturers as I remember eduard have to put resin wheels in their 1/48 kits because the plastic ones are too narrow. The kit has its plus points. And is certainly buildable its down to the builder how much work they put into the extras like some of those on here. As for the flaps I have to say I had no idea and at a guess I'd say the details like that were taken from a warbird rather than an example of an original so it could be that they are missing from the example they looked at and LIDAR scanned (This has caused airfix issues in the past, they LIDAR scanned the Bristol Bolingbroke at the RAF museum Hendon to produce the blenheim iv which has no side blister windows, the original did, not an easy fix). My veiw is it's a good kit and in the in box review I did I talked about its shortcomings in my veiw and this is the thing with reviews they are the reviewers honest opinion. Airfix's problems come from a couple of areas. 1, the plastic they use and its soapy nature this can cause fit issues particularly with tight engineering tolerances. 2, producing their kits in India, the kit is a marvel of engineering that has been put in the hands of a piece worker being paid a fraction of pence per part moulded, why should he care whether the parts are warped, short shot or full of sink holes if he stops the machine to get it sorted he's out of money, particularly a "toy aeroplane" These problems could be sorted by hornby and it's a source of frustration to the kit designers that this happens but as long as people keep buying the kits why would the head honchos change? Me? I'm loving it for what it is. A big old monogram kit without bells and whistles that goes together OK. Could it be improved? Yes there are lots of things that should be in the box that are now aftermarket but you pay your money and take your choice. The UK tends to look at Airfix through rose tinted specs and every new release in the UK of an airfix kit (especially the umpteenth bloody spitfire) get rave reviews. I take a more critical view however and believe that other manufacturers are doing it better and cheaper, apart from this kit, it's unique and Airfix are to be congratulated for it.
  13. So I made progress over the weekend and the fuselage is closed up with the fabric belts in place and no rear bulkhead or radios in place. Why? Because they interfered with the fit so much I got fed up with arguing with it particularly as it would only be seen through a little Hatch in the floor. The radio trays were so far too big that they bent when I tried to close the fuselage up. And with me wanting to make progress I moved on swiftly. The fit is pretty good on the rest of the parts however. I then moved onto the box section under the fuselage and this will hold the undercarriage in place as well as the wing folds (still not made my mind up on this as it's huge ) it looks seriously detailed and is not boxed in which is correct. The fit here is brilliant and goes together flawlessly if you read the instructions properly. There are aftermarket fuel tanks that can go in here if you want to buy them but I think I will leave it as they can't be seen anyway. I then put a coat of glossy sea blue over it all as per Grumman's instructions. Oh and my masks for the insignia have arrived so I now have every thing in place to carry on with the build.
  14. You but have shares in tamiya tape for this beast, looks great however
  15. Not seen one of those before. Am watching
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