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Everything posted by Grant

  1. HELP !!! I love this topic! I'm just about to hit the button on buying a new camera (my aged Canon is way too decrepit and I spend so much time on the laptop trying to correct things that I have decided to replace it AND, I discovered the other day that the lens I have is an old "film" lens therefore the focal point[?] is way out!) So .... Nikon D3200 or another Canon 1100D ??? Both are about the same price ... both come with a 18-55mm lens. (I can get a remote shutter device for the Nikon too) UPDATE: Read up on a whole lot of reviews and the Nikon came out top .. so, that's the one I've gone for.
  2. This is looking just great Jon, that pump is very very pretty indeed and a superb bit of scratch building. Personally, I'm just amazed that you're able to carry on with it considering the nasty burns to your legs and I sincerely hope that they heal up nicely (and quickly). Great stuff, I'm looking forward to seeing more of the Oberursel U1 ! It really is a superb exercise in casting .. you've got to love Taurus products.
  3. It was nice to see a different sort of airbrush being looked at - thanks Jeroen, that was fascinating and the YouTube clip just emphasised how accurate an airbrush it could be. Brilliant.
  4. I absolutely adore this .. I love the lovely curvy lines of the Fulcrum, it looks fast just sitting on the ground let alone in the air. You've done a fabulous job on this (I'm tempted to take mine out of the stock and keep it for myself now! - and that wasn't a shameless plug!! ) Great job Paulo, great job.
  5. (Belated) Happy Birthday Jean-Marie !!
  6. I say, bang on! Cracking work eh, what! (I LOVE your avatar DrDave - Terry Thomas was one of my all time favourite comedy actors). Seriously though, that's a gorgeous brace of Snipes. Simply gorgeous.
  7. Superb! Lovely looking, thin, casting and gorgeous detail too.
  8. Well done Harv. For those us who know, your life has indeed been a load of crap dumped on you from a height so ... this is fantastic news, and it's good to hear you've mananged to get the props looking so good. Take care mate.
  9. Very nice Jeroen. That chipping effect has worked superbly; it looks very convincing indeed. More please.
  10. That's drop dead gorgeous Jim ... congratulations! I assume that's going to sit next to the Natter !! <<hint, hint, wink, wink>> Alclad duly ordered (for myself) - I get the hint!
  11. Great Scheme Erik. PS: Could you tell me how you got on with those replacement seats, please? I always like to know whether some of the accessories are worth stocking (yeah I know they're Brassin seats but anyway).
  12. Hey, that's a picture of me delivering it!! Arrow Wolf's service knows no bounds....
  13. Hi Jonathan - a very warm welcome to LSM (if you haven't done a "Hello" already). To answer you questions ... Nope. No problem joining in now - the GB started in November but still has a little while to run, in fact the last minute of the last day of April 2014 so there's plenty of time. Decide which Eindecker you want to build, open a build thread on the GB main thread and go for it .. Just provide some nicely pictured, regular, progress reports along the way. GB's are great fun, you can ask any questions you like, the others will always share hints and tips so what better way to model and have fun, plus you might even get to shop in my shop with a discount voucher as winner! ( you can shop there anyway if you wish ) Good Luck. Grant
  14. That's simply glorious ... a beautiful, beautiful Eindecker and a fabulous job with the notoriously tricky swirls on the cowling as well! Can't wait to see what else you've got tucked away in your cupboard. Grant. PS: great choice of topic in your screen name :)
  15. Aha, so.... weather the crap out of it then, got it! It's going to look splendid!
  16. Thanks Bertl, that's a great explanation and something I'll try when I've gained either a huge amount of bravery or a very large drink(s) before I attempt anything like that Your work is amazing Bertl - Not surprising when you take into account all these various and very effective bits of detail which, when added together, produce fantastically realistic models.
  17. Francisco - that's a fabulous review of a great product. I really enjoyed reading that, thank you.
  18. Please !! I'd love to know as well. There seems to be no sanding or filing so do you use a heated too or something?? I also noticed the panelling around the top of the engine is buckled and bent so, some sort of heat too??? We've love to know Bertl. Pleeeaassse
  19. Great Job Jeroen ... that seam looks pretty damn good mate. As these weren't used for very long (relatively) between ex-factory deployment and war's end, are you going still weather it? I would imagine it will still have suffered a few knocks and dings etc but only quite subtly
  20. Oh wow, Peter, that's an amazing technique and superbly explained as well. That IP is looking fantastic already and I can't wait to see the end result. Cracking, absolutely cracking.
  21. Great review Jeroen.. I reckon there are loads of modellers out there that would like to have attempted a snow effect but were, perhaps, too worried about making a mess of it, but this system seems to take all that anxiety away. It look to be a fairly straightforward system to use but one that can be manipulated to gain even more effects than mere snow covering. Am I right in thinking that with a brush and plain old H2O you can "melt" the powder to achieve slush or even ice effects??
  22. Cracking shots there Guy! Did you find yourself being constantly asked to climb down from the exhibits?? I only ask because they're great close-ups!
  23. When I have my next operation, can you do it for me?? Peter, you've such a deft hand with the saw and file it staggers me - is there nothing you can't do with a plastic or even resin model? I think it takes a special "eye" to see beyond the kit parts and be able to create something more special, more unique like you do. This is going to as epic as your Sea Fury.
  24. It all looking quite fantastic Jeroen .. As always. I love what you've done with the skid block and the texture on the cannons is pretty cool.
  25. Where can we buy your techniques book Bertl ? :) A great tutorial and one for the "hints & tips" bank! I love the effect you've managed, thank you for sharing.
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