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Everything posted by krow113

  1. Aftermarket? At least 3 per kit . Soooo......... 900
  2. 300
  3. Planned obsolescence is not a new manufacturing policy.
  4. 'nuff said:
  5. lol easy there Hubert! Do you work for an insurance company? If it went it would be a minimal split or pinhole. But really , really , really unlikely!
  6. If you use CLR it will clear out the rust and convert the oxidation into a zinc coating. Pretty good way we used to clean out Harley tanks. Even better ; It wont rust again after that. Attention to the drain valve once and a while may help too... Jus' sayin!
  7. Girl figs are cool. I have a number of them , too bad I cant paint worth a faack. Saw this one on Scale Model Graveyard sales site on fbook. Which is turning out to be a decent buy/sell page. Pirate Babe: Her sword is broken , but that can easily be made of stainless steel stock , prolly look better too.
  8. Quite nicely done. A nice one for a collection.
  9. lol When I worked in the custom Harley industry here in B.C. I would have had no trouble designating the tank as crap. It barely pass' even the lowest standards. Every time I go to leak test it there is a new crack or hole or crackhole. Mostly around the filler neck , which is the worst part, I have actually cut it off as it was not getting better. The bung will be welded to a square patch to go over the cretinous 'welding' f c ing things up. But it is made and it fits , now , and is completely invisible under the tranny. With a wrinkle black finish the flaws will be pretty much unseen. Here is the chopper which is turning out to be a mixed bag of tricks: Note that this has never actually been a bike , never inspected , certified or insured , never seen the road. This is a very loosely asembled bunch of parts that was immediatly dis asembled. lol
  10. Scan the decals if poss!
  11. Tig welding machine issues resolved . Cracked pelvis healed nicely. So I tig welded the oil tank for the chopper. Leak testing proved to be a test , 6 leaks , 5 from whoever built the tank and one from my work. Sealed up and ready for final finish:
  12. Decent work going on... A little late but thin wall tubing of the right diameter with a sharpened edge can be used to fabricate guage lens'. Heat the end of the tube and it will go through the clear material easier.
  13. I have a few of these tools. UMM also makes a p/e set . The Trumpeter tool is adequate but will need upgrading to a steel axle and some parts to make it more useable; This mod after testing on a 1/48 B 17 , Monogram hard plastic broke the stock plastic axle right away.
  14. Its whether the receiver chooses to be offended. In my experience no amount of sugar coating will smooth the delivery. Here where I live there are peeps poised , catlike, ready to misinterpret , misdirect , obfuscate the truth and redefine even the slightest comment , as long as it is as far from the truth as they can get. And never into a positive arena , always into the negative. And shying away from accepting responsibility for their 'input' , with one of the stupidest comments ever heard by me; "You brought it on yourself" Anyone using this phrase needs to be avoided at all costs. lol
  15. Good work. For interests sake the rig she has is a cutting torch , can be used for 'welding' but not welding. lol
  16. Suitably menacing. Good stuff!
  17. I saw a few other FAQ books from the series and was impressed with them. So it was easy to allocate the funds. lol
  18. looking very nice. thinking in the '5 color' mindset helps me , that is every color is 5 colors - the base color and then 2 shades darker and 2 shades lighter = 5 colors
  19. So I sucked it up and had a perusal of the book. Close to $300.00 CDN. to my door. Literally. Packaging almost compromised the book , a double wrap of small bubble wrap and a cardboard book mailer in a plastic envelope. The 2 very small blunted lower corners of the book are of no concern to me. Easily the most thorough subject matter book in my collection. Large , heavy gloss , high color on every page , really really nice. Close to or over 500 pages. And because it is from MiG , I thought it may be a sales vehicle , but their supplies are in with all the others, no 'favouritism' . I look forward to reading it. Maybe improve my fig work.
  20. My example has arrived, however I,m too weak to carry it . The postmaster will deliver it on her lunch break. Just in time for an extended reading/recovery.
  21. thanks jeff not too bad my pelvis is cracked in 2 places , small cracks but broken bones hurt... not too mobile yet , only been 3 days. tripping over a pitchfork left on the ground almost levered my left leg outta the socket.
  22. Thank you Jeff. In my experience those opportunity's for display usually have a number prior entrants. We can dream though eh? Anyway a mishap has stopped me almost dead in my tracks. I hope some time at the work station will become available as A Gotha is nearing critical mass.
  23. gotta like the custom work stand!
  24. There is a custom paint trick I have used for deep black. Mix the last coats with gloss clear 50/50 and watch that black get a mile deep.
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