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Everything posted by belugawhaleman

  1. Some recent items: From Tamiya, their 1/48 North American P-51B Mustang (61042). Wow already almost 30 years old...a 1995 release date, but I'm sure , being Tamiya, it'll be an excellent kit. I like the B Mustang.....Everyone always does the bubble top. I've ordered a set of masks... Those will be coming soon. Also, a masking set for the Tamiya's 1/48 P-47D razorback; Eduard (EXOO8) Last; A set of 20 glass eye droppers.....always useful. These were a cheap set from Amazon.... But really, they look pretty good. I used to buy these from Mc Master-Carr but those were a lot more costly--an unnecessary cost for what I use them for. .....I rate Tamiya....
  2. Yes, the Neuspotter does look sinister. Cool! I ordered the Maschinen Krieger P.K.A today from Plaza....an armoured space suit thing...looks to be armed with a sci-fi equivalent of a Panzerfaust! Whoever's in that Camel better watch out ! The annoying thing about Plaza is the time they take to get things out...sort of like Hobbylinc in the U.S.. In my case the shipment with the Camel was held up by the availability of the other item I ordered....a Hasegawa "Egg Girl" , a nurse figure that seems to be in demand,....... Pairing up the two for your dio would be a great idea! No, I don't mean the nurse.
  3. Yes, bought the Camel from Plaza Japan. They have it for $ 39.00 USD. They shipped it out yesterday , so about a week or so as I chose a cheaper shipping option. Anyway, I think it will be a fun project. I have some toy steam engine driving bands that could make great armoured cables, I was thinking.
  4. Looking great Rob! I've been eyeing some Maschinen Krieger kits and have one on the way. Can't wait. I have a weird idea for the camo. ' been thinking how do you weather something that walks on the moon? (Clue) . No atmosphere no rust---right? I imagine wear areas, scratches, damage, etc. Anyway, we'll see. I'm enjoying your build. Keep up the good work!
  5. Great build....like to see lesser know subjects built, especially the interwar era. The name "Shrike" reminds me of an obscure Cowboy Junkies song of the same name.
  6. Some items yesterday....... First some liner brushes for nails.. Bought on Amazon for about $ 10.00 U.S., these liner brushes vary in length from 5mm to 25mm . They look pretty nice, with metal handles and covers. I thought they might be useful, and I think they are a good value for the price. The brand printed on the handle is "Fadoleng". https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BX68ZY6P?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title&th=1 I also bought a kit that has been the basis of some very fine builds on this forum; Tamiya's Republic P-47D Thunderbolt " Razorback" (61086). I got this off Amazon for $ 34.00 with free shipping. Not bad. Looks like another quality kit from Tamiya....You know, great fit, instructions, etc......... I'm looking forward to building this one....or, Anything... I've been sidelined from the bench lately partially due to an injury to my right ankle joint and other circumstances. https://www.scalemates.com/kits/tamiya-61086-republic-p-47d-thunderbolt-razorback--121538 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000WN6TUA?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title
  7. You're work is amazing!
  8. Odd, I can't seem to get out.🤔
  9. Nice work on the wood cladding....very realistic.
  10. Some more items..... From RP-MICH, their Micro Handle Bending Tool 0.6-15mm. I thought this thing could be useful . From FC-Model Trend some resin replacement light guards for the Trumpeter PT-76. 1/35 From FC-Modeltips a set of decals for Spanish FT 17 in 1/35 (FCM01001) These will be used on my Meng kit. From VMS, their FLEXY CA 5K for PE. I've heard this was good stuff, thought I'd give a try.
  11. Alarmed by this shrinkage issue after purchasing some aftermarket resin parts myself. Is this common? How old are your resin parts? Were they 3d printed or were they cast? BTW I always enjoy following your builds.....masterworks all.
  12. What is that Martin? Whatever it is, well done!
  13. Some recent deliveries....... First; some liquid masking solutions Mr Hobby Mr. Masking Sol NEO. Deluxe Materials Opaque Masking Magic. Next; From Tamiya, their 1966 Model Volkswagen 1300 Beetle (24133) In 1/24. A nice little kit that's been around for awhile. last; from Hasegawa , three "Egg Girl" resin kits in 1/12 scale.
  14. Thanks, I'll have a look.
  15. I recently lost a part, an M8 Greyhound siren cover. I looked for it under and around the bench while crawling on my belly with a flashlight. I even emptied out my vacuum cleaner.. Put on a new bag...vacuumed the area, then examined the contents.....no dice. Then I went over my Work table again...and then I found it! It had popped to the other side of the table and adhered itself to a small piece of scrap tape that was on the table. Well, I was relieved.... but was a bit pissed that I wasted so much time looking for it!
  16. Please be aware that these businesses are run by the same people as Internet Hobbies. Military model depot Model railway depot Hobby Models Model Airplane depot Gundam World Online The address is the same.....same people. P.O. Box 235 South Canaan, PA 18459 Check the BBB website for complaints.
  17. Congratulations Ralph! A great project for sure, and I will be following your build. I have the same kit and I'm interested in seeing how it builds.
  18. Some items today.... First, from TREX their set of guards for the Sherman in 1/35 (Casted hull). These look amazing! They are very finely printed and frighteningly delicate...Just wondering if I'll break them before I get them on the model. Next, from STAR DECALS, two sets for M51 Shermans. A set of 6 day war IDF Shermans, and a set for M51's as sold to Chile....more interesting options for the Tamiya kit. I also got a set from Legend Productions to upgrade the M51 to Post 1973 changes. This set includes resin and photo-etch parts. These would include the Shermans as sold to Chile. Also, more paint from Mr.Hobby; more "Character flesh" Also, more Friulmodel tracks; two sets of ATL-03 for Panzer III/IV tanks In use 1940/1941. Last, some Vallejo masking solution.
  19. In my case they sent me a partial order and it took months to get the rest of the money refunded. I constantly badgered them until i did. My advice do the same. Put in a complaint with the BBB. Tell them that you will do so. Don't give up and just let them take your money.
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