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Everything posted by belugawhaleman

  1. How is the trumpeter kit? I remember hearing that there was a fit problem with the tracks and sprockets and I discussed it with someone on this forum and the AFV modeler replacement sprockets.. Was that you? I recently Looked up aluminum tank wheels after reading that the wheels on the M113 APC were made that way. I just preordered the 1/16 M113 from Andy's Hobby headquarters BTW. Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing your build and your Opinions regarding the Trumpeter kit.
  2. Very impressive results John. Nice.
  3. Very nicely done! I was also surprised by the scale.
  4. Found this.... At very least the center sections are aluminum. https://www.d2pmagazine.com/2024/06/03/u-s-army-selects-american-manufacturer-of-rotary-forged-wheel-blanks-to-manufacture-aluminum-road-wheel-inserts-for-abrams-tank/
  5. Looking forward to see how your build proceeds. I've never had much success with automotive finishes and am interested in seeing how its done.
  6. Damn! That's nice! I have the same kit I intend to build. I love the paint chipping...especially on the underside.
  7. Just picked up a bottle of Abteilung liquid mask . So, I now have a variety of masks to experiment with. Thanks all for your recommendations.
  8. Glad you found what you needed. As for me I use a small airbrush compressor Purchased from a nearby Harbor Freight. I didn't expect much from it but has proved itself to be excellent, reliable and well made. Like you I had to struggle with the pipe fittings setting it up. I bought a set of fittings and a regulator off Amazon....problem solved. Hope you get everything working and I look forward to seeing your builds.
  9. Really? I kinda thought it looked like you might have seen an item on Ebay had a chuckle, did a search for vintage x-ray equipment on Yahoo images( that's what they are) got bored, then looked at a unrelated image of a T 34 tank. That's what I would have done anyway😀 It kind of looks like a snapshot of a sequence of events. Just a fun way of looking at it. By the way.....does Canada have a lottery? Anyway, thanks for the images, I always enjoy seeing the things you come up with.
  10. Thanks Rob . I do like seeing your purchases. Always great stuff! I'll be watching when finish that Cobra Daytona....a spectacular build that will no doubt end in a beautiful model. I'm eager to build an automotive subject. In my case a Tamiya 1/24 late Thirties Toyoda sedan that I have and I was looking for suggestions on how to do the finish. Any tips for doing that Anyone?
  11. That first image... Was that an Ebay listing? Looks very familiar. Coincidence?
  12. Thanks, I'll have a look.
  13. Sorry for the smart-ass response. Did this ever get resolved?
  14. Nice additions Rob. I was on the Spotmodel site recently looking for some 1/12 buckles... nice site. I hope you do a build of that kit on here....or that Tamiya Alfa. I would like to see how an automotive finish is done with details like; Which airbrush Nozzle size, air pressure, paint to thinner ratio, surface prep, and etc.
  15. I wish I had thought of that.
  16. Will this topic proceed or having served it purpose, has the hilarity come to an end?
  17. So would I...
  18. I see no problem with Border making aircraft kits in 1/35... I build mostly 1/35, so these kits would fit my collection. Perhaps Border's Intention is to fill a niche for builders of this scale. It's like producing armor in 1/48 when the standard for armor is 1/35. Think of the Tamiya aircraft/vehicle combo kits in 1/48. Anyway, the border kits. do look nice. Build in the scale you want.... By the way, a Lysander in 1/24 would be spectacular!
  19. Looking great! Your weathering skills are excellent. The truck really looks Like it has had a lifetime of hard use....Very impressive!
  20. Turned out great!
  21. I didn't know Friulmodel made Schneider tracks.....I'll have to look into that! Actually, it looks like Friulmodel must have discontinued them.
  22. I have the early and late versions by Takom. Only the paint schemes have Kept me from building them. I have some masks from J's work, but still I dread using using them. I'm interested in seeing how you tackle the painting.
  23. Good to hear from you again Peter. I'm hoping all goes well for you and Diane.
  24. Certainly an ambitious project!
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