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Everything posted by belugawhaleman

  1. Yes, I've heard that. The only reason I buy them separately is for the containers, really. Sometimes I will refill the glue container with the cleaner. I've tried the cleaner as a glue, but I'll continue to use as I do. The cleaner I think is closer to the slower setting extra thin and I prefer the quick setting, that's all. . I also keep the jars separate because I don't want to contaminate the glue as I often do with the cleaner. Anyway, that's just what I do.
  2. It requires a little soaking time, but it does remove ca.
  3. Is that the lacquer thinner with the retarder? Can't find that here. I use the Tamiya for cleaning everything; brushes, airbrushes, tools, and it dissolves superglue off my CA applicators. I use glass eye droppers to measure paint....it cleans those quickly. I'm looking forward to that big Trumpeter kit build!
  4. Yes, I use a lot of their airbrush cleaner and glue. Last weekend I found all my flat white had turned brownish in color.... Weird! I usually by this from nearby Tower Hobbies but I was browsing Burbanks house of Hobbies. I always use Tamiya's X-22 as a clear before decaling....good stuff!
  5. Today no models, no Egg Girls......just a well needed resupply. I did buy a replacement Aber 1919 barrel in 1/16, but I wouldn't call that a kit. Hope to get back home this weekend to do some building.....Working on a 1/35 M8 Greyhound
  6. Amazing detail !
  7. Interesting subject Carl. Nice work
  8. Mon Dieu, c'est une grosse Jeep !
  9. Nice work John! Glad you found the decals. I hate to think of anyone trying to mask all those squares.
  10. That's sad to hear and in my view shows lazy engineering. Too bad. I still would like to build the kit. I even bought some Milliput to add the detail on the crankcase....the script missing from the crankcase I figure would be impossible, but the other detail I think I could scratch build....It might even be fun. I sure Phil is a nice guy , and he's a very talented builder, no doubt, but I always get this Tamiya thing when I post. To each his own... sorry if I sounded annoyed. Sorry Phil if you read this.
  11. That's kind of a cool system for the tracks. I have a couple of sets of TREX Resin tracks that require small resin pins for each side of link. The pins are extremely fragile Causing me to worry about my set for an upcoming Comet tank build but the tracks have excellent detail edging out the friul tracks for the Comet.
  12. Thanks for posting.....I really like the model and your build. Being a steam enthusiast, the kit appeals to me.
  13. As an aside, I recently read a complaint about the Takom Ontos kit having rubber tracks.....the real ontos had rubber tracks! Anyway, I try to save the Tamiya link & length tracks I don't use...perhaps they'll come in handy. Recently, the working tracks in an Amusing Hobby kit were so bad I had to buy Friuls. ....I still have to finish that one.
  14. Yes, I like these things. They were kind of hard to find before for me but there recent availability an some online shops has been great. I get most of them from a supplier that charges a decent price for them....about $ 39.00 U.S.. Sprue brothers charges a bit more. I put in an order from the manufacturer in Hungary for some less commonly offered tracks but they haven't been shipped yet. I find them fun to assemble and I like the added weight they give to the model.
  15. You're welcome to your opinion but seem uninformed regarding Tamiya Afv kits these days as most include their link & length tracks including some of their prior kits which have been re-released now with link and length tracks. Their Somua, Mk Iv, char b1 bis, and russian Matilda include working tracks. Tamiya makes working track kits for their Panther Tanks. Their Sherman tanks do have rubber tracks , but the Sherman track system Never shows sag. Most of the Tamiya kits I buy them for don't need them but I find the Friuls fun to build and I view them as a kit in themselves. Anyway, I mostly buy the Friuls because they weren't available to me before and are still kind of a novelty for me...I like them. All I can say is, you're missing out on a lot of very fine, well engineered kits due to this bias you have. I am now determined Never to buy another kit from Dragon after looking at my Welbike kit in 1/6 scale. It's missing a lot of detail ; an oil filler boss on the crankcase, the projection for the clutch cable on the crankcase, a bracing strut for the cylinder head, fuel connections on the fuel tanks, and the engine manufacturer logo cast into the crankcase is missing..a prominent feature on the original. No decals are provided in the kit despite the original having unit markings and instruction stencils. Also no cables are included. The instructions are very bad and don't include placement of some of the parts. Very sad. I only bought the kit as my uncle brought one back from the war but now, I'll probably never build it. The Chinese Communist Party got me with that one.
  16. It looks like persistence paid off! I'm not familiar with this c130 variant, I'll google it for sure and wait for your build!
  17. No pictures yet, spent a couple days at my home and was able to get a few hours in...modeling. I'm working on Tamiya's M8 Greyhound. Got the chassis done and some of the interior....nice little kit.
  18. Nice looking prints, cool subject, ...I'll be watching!
  19. Tamiya makes a radio control version in 1/16 scale...now Thats "Imposing".
  20. I bought the upgrade kit by Tamiya for mine. It has a metal barrel, some screens, and a screen for protection at the front...like a chain link fence section.
  21. Again, looking good Carl! I may get this kit. The ancient tamiya kit (motorized and not the recent release) was among my first kit builds in the 70's, so a special subject for me. I saw this early Tamiya kit on a website Selling old kits. It is a really an odd-looking tank. I may do the recent release soon or the Tamiya Wespe. I must get back to the workbence soon! Circumstances are keeping me away. Maybe this weekend.
  22. Cool project! I have that Hobby boss kit but will only do an O.O.B Build of it. Yes this was a versatile little tank. Perhaps Hobby boss will do a big Marder or Hetzer. Very nice build so far. Will be following!
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