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Everything posted by belugawhaleman

  1. Looking great Carl! I have the Tamiya Vietnam era Sheridan in my stash somewhere. It looks good.
  2. Nice start. Will be following.
  3. It's been some time since I bought some Friulmodel tracks. I recently ordered these: ATL-02 PZ III/IV (1938/1941) ATL-28 PZ III/IV (1944/1945) ATL-30 PzKpfw. II / Wespe, German Halftrack L 4500R Maultier I also got a mask set for the Tamiya Ki-46 Dinah from Eduard (EX179)
  4. Wow! To achieve that in 1/72 scale is amazing!
  5. Nice finnish! I built that kit a while back, fun build.
  6. Yes, I have been following that YouTube series. I recently purchased the AFV modeller StuG III driving compartment for the big Das Werke kit and was able to get detail pointers from it.
  7. While looking at friulmodel tracks today for a StuG today I noticed that there are many variations for panzer III/IV tracks . Solid horn, horns with a hole through them, ostketten, winterketten, and etc. Some of the types for different years, some years overlapping. Where there problems with the tracks, different manufacturer types. Why so many types? Just curious....
  8. Got this last week but didn't post as I found one piece defective. It's AFV Modeller's driver compartment for the 1/16 Das Werk StuG III. Well, an email to AFV and a replacement was quickly sent out. Actually, 2 parts were sent ( a spare). Very pleased with products and service!
  9. A wonderful opportunity and an amazing project!
  10. You've got my attention! Very cool!!!!
  11. Two orders from Plaza Japan came today the first delayed by the Typoon. Well, lots of items including a pair of "Egg Girls" but mostly Tamiya kits and accessories. Two of these are classics; The Brewster Buffalo and the Sd.Kfz.222. There is also the re-release of their Ki-46 this time with the Type 95 Kurogane. Also Tamiya's new Leopard 2 A7V this kit looks impressive!. I also got Jagdpanzer IV/70 (V) Lang. I bought two tamiya accessory barrels to go with these. From Finemolds , an Ohka trainer and a set of seat belts in 1/32 for Japanese aircraft.
  12. Sorry to hear of this Peter. Hope everything goes well for you. My hopes and prayers.
  13. Check out Plaza Japan. It sells for about 30-something US dollars. If you bundle a few items it makes shipping cost worthwhile. Yes, it's a nice kit that goes together easily . I messed up the color by mistakenly mixing buff instead of deck tan with flat earth as the instructions stated. The only reason I got this was I saw it was on the Plaza Japan website while I was buying other items. The $107.00 price on US online sites put me off for years! I recommend the kit as a fun, easy, and quick build. https://www.plazajapan.com/4950344300570/
  14. A look at the Tamiya Mk.IV I've been working on... Got the decals and the clear on...not sure if I'll do any more. The color came out a little lighter than I expected. Still got to attach the ditching beam. Didn't weather the tracks as , you may remember, Tamiya put a motor in these . I will rub the tracks with graphite and then clear flat.
  15. Actually, I only kid myself that I have hair.....only random tufts here and there on my balding head resembling in effect....a fledgling owl.
  16. Sorry to hear of your troubles, Chris. I hope the procedure brings you relief, and you are soon on the path to recovery. As to getting old, my own remedy for this is to avoid looking into the mirror very often.....but because of this my hair always looks a mess
  17. Sorry to hear of this. I hope you're on the way to recovery soon.
  18. Nice! Worthy of a long build log!
  19. Oh, I see. Still pretty nice. I bought a Takom boxing that had two Complete panzer 1's, a a and b model. When I opened the box I discovered that panzer 1 tanks in 1/35 are tiny....so the double boxing seemed appropriate.
  20. Nice haul Peter! Cool that's a 2-in-1 boxing. Will this be your group build offering?
  21. Some items today..... From AFV Modeller, some resin replacement road wheels for the Das Werk StuG III G in 1/16 (AFV-16052). The road wheels in the kit are a bit of a struggle to put together with their overly tight tire fit. These are better detailed, with manufacturer and size detail on the tires. I wasn't thrilled about the price , however. Also, from Eduard, a set of masks for the Tamiya 1/48 IL-2 Stormovik (EX703) . Last, from Excel 3 sets of plastic clamps (55663). 'Saw these in a model build video.....thougt they might be useful.
  22. I built that Otaki Corsair kit back when I was in College......back in about '84 or thereabouts. Cool to see!
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