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Everything posted by belugawhaleman

  1. Cool! Lot's of possibilities there. How about a derelict drone, half buried, suggesting the figures had a final battle in which both were destroyed? BTW My other Ma.K kit came today, It's over in What did you get thread. It's the P.K.A Ausf HO from Wave.
  2. Thanks, I wish there were more shops like the one you mentioned. I used to go to Venture Hobbies in Wheeling Illinois, now sadly gone, where I could browse for hours. I loved that place! Yes, the Egg Girls are definitely much tamer than some of the figures I've seen on Hobby link Japan, many of which are, in my opinion,are pornographic! The Egg Girls are cute and harmless. My first one was a gift from a family member and I kind of got hooked. Even my Mother wants to see one built...I'll get to doing that soon.
  3. My plaza order arrived today with a few items..... First another Maschinen Krieger themed kit. This time by Wave Coporation, their P.K.A. Ausf. HO in1/20 scale. (MK-064-4200) This is my first kit from this maker and I must say I'm impressed by it's quality. From the packaging, molding, and instructions this kit is first rate! I also got a couple more of Hasegawa's "Egg Girl" resin kits....but, I won't say much about these .. As , I suspect, I'm probably the only one on this forum that has any interest in these. I have yet to build one...but will...eventually. I also got today my order from Squadron; from Gecko Models an accessory engine kit in 1/16 for their big Universal Carrier kit released earlier this year. It's basically a ford Flathead V8 engine that can be installed in the kit or displayed separately on its own stand. Looks pretty detailed BTW....I plan to purchase only one more kit this Year and then call it quits. I plan for now restrict my purchases to supplies, tools, accessories, and etc, that is, unless some spectacular model kit is released next year. I have enough for now....We'll see how that works out. I'm still waiting for that 1/18 Brewster Buffalo..
  4. I remember those. My last name being Veiga and pronounced the same I had to put up with a lot of jokes. I was called "Chevy" by a couple of members of my high school football team. I was, however, never checked for Rusty rocker panels.
  5. Very nice builds! I have to admit, I always liked the looks of the lightning and yours turned out great as did the F4.
  6. I have the same scissors, bought recently after breaking my curved scissors that I had, literally for decades. They work very well....much better than my old pair . So, not a bad pick.
  7. Rob, I was eyeing that Alfa on Plaza Japan as well. The kit came out originally in 1997 and went out of production until recently, and I've been Wanting to pick one up, but again, my fear of painting gloss finishes.... Your Maschinen Krieger kit looks to be great addition. Cool picks. I have a similar cutting tool made by Excell..I think. I have never used it yet. Actually forgot about it till now.
  8. Happy birthday Peter!
  9. Nice one! As for your son, you must be very proud of his service.
  10. Looking great Rob! It looks like it went through hell....as for the driver R.I.P... Poor devil. BTW my Maschinen Krieger Camel Arrived today!
  11. Some items today. Inspired by Rob's build, I ordered a Maschinen Krieger kit...It arrived today, It's their Luna Tactical Reconnaissance Machine Lum-168 CAMEL. Series MKO6 in 1/20. It's larger than I expected. Opening the box, it appears to be an impressive kit. I'm sure it will be a cool build. Another set of Friulmodel tracks, this time for the PzKpfw. I Some stuff from Eduard ; Some masks for Tamiya's 1/48 P-51B and a PE set for Hasegawa's KI-84 in 1/32. Last, another "Egg Girl" resin figure kit from Hasegawa. This time No.31 "Sasha Ilyushina" (nurse) .....This nurse ,she's "loaded for Bear"...
  12. Another great one John! Well done.
  13. Superb build so far. I'm following this thread with great interest and I'm in awe of your skills.
  14. Wow! Already great progress.
  15. Very well done! excellent photography as well.
  16. Today a couple of items. From Tamiya their new 1/35 PanzerKampfwagen I Ausf. B (35388). Although a nice little kit I would have liked another option regarding the fenders. This thing is predictably tiny, but has very detailed link and length tracks and looks like it will be a nice build. Anyway, it was surprisingly priced at just $ 26. USD. Not bad. I also got an Eduard set for the Tamiya Brewster Buffalo.
  17. I'm a fan of the Wildcat as well. I have the Tamiya kit in 1/48. How was the Hobby Boss to build?
  18. Nice work! Interesting subject..A carrier based jet aircraft that had a tail wheel. Cool.
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