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Everything posted by belugawhaleman

  1. I picked up one of those a while back. I've found it to be useful. Hope you enjoy yours. BTW , I hope you enjoy your retirement... Congrats! I hope that it results in seeing more of your work on the forum.
  2. That's turning out great! Well done!
  3. Some more items....... From Copper State Models; a resin exterior detail set for their Gruson Farhpanzer. (A35-030) From DEF Model; a replacement Grill set for my Tamiya M151A2 MUTT. (DM35133) I added a pic. Of a Fahrpanzer....
  4. That's quite a stash, Carl.
  5. Wow! A truckload of great projects there! I'll be looking forward to to seeing your upcoming builds.
  6. Never had a system myself...Oh, I attempted to put all Tamiya models on the upper shelf. They didn't all fit. The big kits on the floor, WW I kits in a stack. Things got out of hand after that....that's my blunder. These are all in a walk-in closet in a bedroom. Its too full now and I have moved all clothing in it to a hall closet. This fullness, for most people would be a sign to stop buying models. I'll try, (I still have one on the way) We'll see. The Tamiya kits on the top shelf? Well, I can't retrieve one without another One falling on my head......I'm a donkey, for sure!😀
  7. This build is going to be great for sure! Will be watching!
  8. Thanks for the info.......mine has been around about 5 years unopened.. I'll give it a pass.
  9. Got this today....... From Andy, and his Hobby Headquarters it's his big M 10 in1/16 scale. It was on sale and I had a coupon related to a previous purchase, basically the coupon covered my shipping. These were previously $149.00 on sale For $ 99.00. A good deal. I already have the Achilles. Oh, I also got some Mr Color paint from the brothers of Sprue.
  10. How well does silly putty work for masking? Anyone.....?
  11. Yup, that's the one......well, not really, but we do have a massive squirrel that has learned to steal from our bird feeder with impunity......Normally I'm all for Squirrels , no really I am, but this one gives them a bad name, besides, he has a face like a rat!
  12. Nice! I would love to get a printer. Wonderful possibilities. What are you printing?
  13. Nice one Rob! I can't get my head around a tiny 1.5 liter with an output of 1400 hp! Would you consider the kit a collector's item or do you plan to build it?.....I hope you do! Anyway, you've got me curious about the BMW thing, but I won't intrude.
  14. Happy Thanksgiving All!
  15. Oooh! A triad of Lysanders! I really like the silver dope scheme. I built a Lysander....in the eighties, I think. Not sure of the manufacturer... I think it was a Testors reboxing of some other maker. Although it was a simple kit....it turned out nice. I always thought putting machine guns in the wheel spats was a crazy, but functional, solution. Not Really sure what these things were shooting at, however,...dog fighting......really? Here's the kit.....Originally a Hawk kit....Now there's an oldie!
  16. Those wheels look great. I have a similar panel liner pen made by Dspiae . Have not used it yet....but will.
  17. Looking cool Rob! An imaginative and well-executed scene.
  18. Nice work! Those Vector engines look amazing I'll have to look at their website . I like following this as I think the 129 has an interesting airframe.
  19. Thanks for the tip. The headlights on the Tamiya Mutt have their sockets molded in on the grille , yet the lenses are not clear pieces. I was thinking that I might fill the empty housings with clear, UV curing resin after painting the inside chrome silver, forming the lens .....Well, just thinking out loud here...I hear you about the wheel attachments being Weak. I know this post of mine didn't seem to make sense.
  20. Thanks, it does look like a nice kit. I also put a preorder on Andy's big M113 last week....We'll see when that comes.
  21. Some Items.... Yes, I did say I was going forward by only buying supplies... Well, saw these on Amazon for cheap and bought them using points earned. I also bought a resin set by DEF to go with one kit. This kit includes A set of wheels brake plates, and a pair of upper control arms for the front Suspension. The Tamiya kits are both small vehicles and the finished kits will be tiny!
  22. Glad you got the sprocket sorted so quickly! Looking forward to the build.
  23. Nice! I like the wood effects. Got to try that some day.
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