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Everything posted by belugawhaleman

  1. My father was a big Wagner fan, and most classical music. I now find Myself listening to the Chicago classical music station WFMT 98.7 most of the time or listening to Fox news. This includes when I'm driving.
  2. Yes, it's from the little armory series. I think the Spitfire was $49.00 USD on Plaza. It looks like a wonderful kit. I was just digging through the box minutes ago. You'll notice I removed the pictures of the Egg Girl.....I don't think many forum members share my Enthusiasm for these ! 😀 BTW Sprue Brothers has the spitfire kit for $ 154.99 USD at the moment.
  3. I think few would have proceeded with this kit given the challenges. Nice work on the cockpit and engine !, I especially like your woodgraining. Impressive.
  4. Today my order from Plaza Japan arrived (ordered Dec. 25). Not their fault. They closed down for a time late December. I didn't notice. Anyway, finally bought a Tamiya 1/32 Spitfire; their Supermarine Spitfire Mk. IXc (60319). I have been hearing how good these kits are for years. I also got a 1/12 scale M2 flamethrower by Tomytec (LA101) I'll find a use for this thing😉 Also another "Egg Girl" resin kit by Hasegawa . I'm not sure I care for this one , but I like the Claire Frost character.... Bought it anyway. The great thing is I was able to buy the Spitfire kit ,the other kits, and pay for shipping for less than the Tamiya Spitfire alone would have cost me if I had bought it at, let's say, Sprue Brothers for example !
  5. I had that happen on a Tamiya Valentine I was working on, well something similar anyway. As I was applying some Decal solvent the decal shifted. The solvent made it too soft to reposition and everything went to Hell. I know how frustrating that must have been for you!
  6. I've been using my Amazon kindle fire HD 10 to download pictures From my Nikon digital camera for a long time and had no problems. Recently, however, Amazon "updated" their photo app on the Kindle tablets and created a useless mess!! I couldn't load images with my Camera anymore ! Eventually, after a mind bending struggle with this now useless App, I discovered that I could only get images to this "gallery" Thing I now have on my kindle through my resizer app then go to files, select, And put the Image on the Forum in the usual way....A real headache caused by a useless change in the app that offered no improvement.
  7. While packing up my Sherman to take home for painting..... I decided to start this Tamiya StuG....Got the build Part almost completed. If all goes to plan, I'll have two finished this week.
  8. That would be a nice choice Hubert... Had to look it up.
  9. I really like this aircraft and will be following. Great start so far.
  10. Oh that's very cool ! Didn't know those were available yet !
  11. I guess it was figured that they'd never be seen anyway.
  12. I got that one as well.....Did you notice?....no brake or clutch pedals. Odd, but a very nice kit that I'm looking forward to building myself.
  13. Some items....... Two tweezers One by Dspiae, their AT-TZ01 point tip tweezers. The other set by Regine...A Swiss Company. I saw these on Amazon and I had some Amazon points to use. Both Tweezers are good quality....The Dspiae tweezers are a real bargain I think. I also got a reference book on M 10/36 tank destroyers. A bit disappointing, this one....more of a pamphlet, but some useful info. Again, purchase with Amazon points. A set of Eduard masks for the Tamiya 1/32 Spitfire. Last; a couple of Hasegawa "Egg Girl" resin figure Kits in1/12 scale. These are ones that are hard to find. They are long OOP. I found them on EBAY at reasonable prices. One,shipped from S. Korea came by Fedex in just 3 days....shipping was free !
  14. Looks great! I remember trying to build that kit years ago........and failing miserably ! Nicely done!
  15. Is that Milliput? I bought some to improve the deficiencies of a Dragon kit ( missing details on a motorbike crankcase) . Never used it. Does it work well?
  16. Very nice build! Beautiful!
  17. Oh, I have to see the direction this takes!
  18. Looks amazing Dennis! Well done! Great subject and camouflage. Looking forward to see your work on the new Italeri kit.
  19. Had an original Belgian high power for years ...an excellent pistol I did not know about the Springfield Armory one..cool addition to their line
  20. Thanks. Yes, steel wool. It works very well in place of fine sandpaper, especially for contoured things like cannon barrels. Using the finest grades, it leaves a nice polished finish.
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