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Everything posted by Peterpools

  1. Dave Nice work applying the masking and all looks mighty good for applying the paint. 🤞
  2. Paul Fingers crossed and I'm pulling for you b ut it's so mighty hard to do
  3. Phil Seems to be the biggest difference with Quinta that needs a bit of water to release. I have to admit, the Red Fox decals look awesome - just wish they would include seatbelts as Quinta does.
  4. Hubert, no way, I don't trust myself on bit!
  5. John Please, just keep at it as it's such a unique subject and kit.
  6. Phil and Rob Nope, I'm weak and it's going to be a struggle for sure. Just have to keep fighting and hoping the AM guys are hard at work.
  7. John Yikes, what an awesome project - talk about unique and I have never seen this kit built before. Will be following all the way.
  8. Finally, after all these years, it's here; my Trumpeter Devastator. So glad I purchased the kit from the Squadron on a pre orde back in March, as the price was surely right: $89. I made myself a promise, I was not going to open the box until I have all the hopefully soon to be released AM, from both Quinta and Eduard. 🤞
  9. Ron My sincerest condolences on your loss. Losing a child is so very hard to deal with and unfortunately, my wife and I know all too well.
  10. Way too hot for me ... thank goodness for AC!⛄
  11. Happy Birthday Martin, enjoy your special day.
  12. Tim Looking so good and just looking at the nearly finished engine, I can almost feel my hands running checking the oil and doing the preflight. Just love those steam driven IP gauges and the Narco radio stack - looking so good.
  13. Gaz Awesome work on the rivets - going to look brilliant under the color coats of paint. As always, some mighty nice figure painting.
  14. Phil Brilliant progress and following along is a trip back down memory lane for me when I built my Mossie. Redfox decals coupled with your building skills - awesome all the way.
  15. Thanks Martin So very much appreciated.
  16. To the Admins and Mods; thank you for a job so well done. We're in good hands and our site in my eyes is surely NUMBER ONE - where friendship and curtsy is at the top of the list.
  17. Awesome work - cammo looks spectacular
  18. Kriss Looking forward to following your progress - one very cool looking kit
  19. Martin She sure is one Big Gal. Looking mighty good and for me the two winners in the "Most Dislike" model category: scribing Filling and sanding Both necessary chores never the less.
  20. Thanks Ernie for the heads up. I'm hoping when I start mine, there will be a boatload of AM, including Quinta and Eduard and I'll be diving in headfirst into a pre-war Devastator build.
  21. Oliver Looking mighty good and your learning curve on post shading weathering course, surely looks like an A+ is coming for sure.
  22. Gaz Don't know how they do it but new releases and re-stock has been pretty steady or as steady as other popular manufacturers. Sprue brothers, Hobbynut here in the states always have up to date stocks and BNA, in your neck of the woods carries Quinta as well. Biggest problem with Quinta, is keeping them in stock.
  23. Kev Awesome work and the photographs absolutely help answer a lot of questions. Looking so good
  24. Rob Amazing work - simply beautifully done. I tip my hat as you have had a good deal is issues to overcome and all have worked your way through each perfectly.
  25. John Brilliant work as always ... fit and finish is spot on the money.
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